Chapter 1

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"Oh fuck. That's really really deep." Harry cried out.

"Uhh yea. Say my name." Zayn said spanking Harry's ass.

"Uhh yea daddy fuck me harder. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me." Harry said grabbing onto the bed.

"Shhhh baby girl. Be quiet and enjoy." Zayn said.

"Oh my god. Uhh yes yes yes fuck. Zayn." Harry cried out.

Zayn kept fucking his princess as she moaned louder and louder.

"Ok Harry get on top of me." Zayn said pulling his big dick out of Harry's tight pussy, even though he fucked her almost every day.

"Ok Daddy!" Harry said as she put his fat dick into her small pussy.

"Thats my girl oh yea. Uhh that's it." Zayn said as Harry began to ride on his dick.

"Oh uhhg yes. Fuck. Zayn!" Harriet screamed out as she was grabbing on to Zayns chest, giving him marks from her nails."


"Good Morning Princess." Zayn said looking into her green eyes as she woke up.

"Good morning Zayn." Harry said as she yawned and looked into his golden brown eyes then giving him a kiss as Zayn bit his lip.

"Are you sore?" Zayn asked laughing.

"Ohhh yea. I'm sore." Harry said putting her hands on his face then playing with his ears.

"Good." Zayn said as he stood up.

Harry stared at Zayns fat dick wabble each time Zayn took a step.

"No. Don't put it away." Harry said as Zayn was about to put his grey Calvin Klein boxers on.

"Why. You want another round." Zayn said as he took them off.

"No. I'm way to sore. I just like to look at it. I like to see you naked." Harry said giggling as she stood up from the bed.

"Well. Then you have to do the same for me." Zayn said as he walked over to Harriet and kissed her as he grabbed her ass and smaked it really hard.

"Owwwwww." Harry cried out as she bit his shoulder.

Harry went to make breakfast. Naked in the kitchen cooking, Zayn comes behind her and hugs her and puts his finger right inside her.

Harry gave a quiet moan and said, "Zayn not right now. Uhh"

Zayn didn't listen as he put his dick around her ass. He teased her by sticking his dick inside her then not moving at all.

Harry moaned then said, "uhh that feels so good. But not right now Zayn we will burn my house down."

Zayn took his dick out of her ass and smacked it and left to living room.


Harry finished the breakfast and served 2 plates. She called Zayn to get the breakfast. Zayn was about to grab his breakfast but first turned Harry around and kissed her holding her face. He grabbed her boobs and kissed her again. He took his hands and falt her tiny body ending it with another kiss on her pink glossy lips.

"I don't want this for breakfast. I want something else." Zayn said looking down at her vagina through the glass table.

Harry just rolled her eyes and finished eating her food.


Harry went down was at wal-mart buying some groceries when she came up on a pregnancy test. She remember that her and Zayn didn't use any protection so she grabbed one. She didn't want to check with out Zayn. So she quickly went back home.

"Zayn. Last night we didn't use any protection. I grabbed a pregnancy test just in case. This is the first time we didn't use anything. What if I'm pregnant. Zayn what's going to happen if I have a baby." Harry started to freak out.

"Harry. Don't worry. If your pregnant... I will not leave your side. Any ways it's not that bad. Just imagine having a little mini us running around the house." Zayn said trying to calm Harry down. "Plus you didn't even take the test yet." Zayn said.

"You promise you won't leave." Harry said as Zayn hugged her.

"I promise. Now let's go take that test." Zayn said excitedly.


"IM PREGNANT." Harry said crying with not tears of joy but not tears on sadness either.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna be a father." Zayn said excitedly and starting to tear up with tears of joy.

"Were gonna be parents." Harry said with shock looking at the test. Making sure she was looking at it right.

"Yes. Princess. Your gonna be a Queen and in 9 months were gonna have a little prince or princess running through these halls." Zayn said as he kissed Harry on the for head as she started to tear up with now knowing she was tearing up with tears of joy.

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