Ch. 8

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Hal's POV

"DYLAN!" I yelled. I ran over to Dylan's limp body. "Dylan?"  I said hopefully. When he didn't answer me, I started crying. "Please don't be dead," I cried,"you're the only one that cares about me." John, Dave, Dirk, Jake, Casey, and Drake rushed over to where we were . I didn't look at them, I just cried over Dylan's body. I heard Jake talking on the phone but I didn't pay attention to that. Suddenly, everything started getting blurry. The last thing i remembered before passing out was someone pulling me away from Dylan's body and paramedics taking him away.

Dirk's POV 

I was pulling Hal away from Dylan's body when his body went limp. I immediately lied him down on the ground. Hal's eyes were closed. "Dirk, is he ok?" Jake asked. "Yeah, this is too much for him to handle," I said. Jake kneeled next to me. "Too much for a thirteen year old to handle?" Jake asked. "Yeah," I said. I got up and picked up Hal. Jake got up and asked,"What are you doing?" "Taking him to our house," I said. "Okay," Jake said. With that, we both headed to our house with Hal.

Dave's POV

"What just happened?" I asked. "I'll tell you what happened, you called Dylan Davesprite and he didn't like that so he yelled at you, ran out the door, and got hit by a car," Drake said. John and Casey looked at me. "Hey, I didn't know he would freak out like that," I said,"Plus, if I called him Dylan, John wouldn't have known who I was talking about." "Okay, dad has a point," Casey said.

Dylan's POV

Everything is dark. Why is it dark. Hal. I need Hal. Where is Hal. Hal. Hal. Hal. Hal. Hal.

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