{5} Prank

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Walking past the Hermes Cabin I rolled a celestial bronze ball towards the front door. Knowing that the Stolls were inside I quickly went to my best friend Cara from the Athena Cabin to tell Travis and Connor that Chiron is calling them and I'm going to call Drake Stevenson.

Heading in opposite directions I called Drake then came back to Diana.

"Is everyone out?" She asked.

"Almost let me just release the gas." I replied. We waited a few minutes them we launched Phase 2.

The ball rolled to the middle of the room them sprayed glue on everything. Once that was done feathers and milk were put on top. With a note saying: 'Love
- Your friends at the Athena Cabin.'
With a little owl.

"All done" I told Diana.

"Good now for Phase 2" I said grinning evilly.

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"Ahhh!" I screamed as I woke up from yet another nightmare about my moms murder. Then I smelt it.


Running I grabbed one of the water buckets in the corner of the room, and killed the flames dancing on my bed covers.

"Why do I smell smoke?" Harley asked

"Eehh" I said "That might have been me"

"Nightmare?" Hank asked

"Yeah." I replied

"Well good night then!" Diana said lying back down on her bed.

They all said their goodnights while I got ready to get up. Silently I left the cabin and made my way to Bunker 9. It was 3 am and still dark so nobody would see me as I went.

At the end of the war Chiron decided to close up Bunker 9 until it is needed again. But I still went anyways. Fiddling as I went I made a small helicopter made out of wires, elastic bands and pipe cleaners. Once inside I started my real project, something I've been working on ever since I received а dream from him the almighty and powerful.

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The conch horn blew almost making me drop the blueprints into the burning coals.

"Okay Buford, almost done just a few more months then we're done" I told Buford as I got ready to go eat breakfast.

•••••••At S.H.I.E.L.D••••••

Training was easy at first but then the guy Agent Barton I think his name was got soo annoyed with me for some reason and started giving me these really hard sets to do until the lady with red hair that interrogated me walked in.

"I think you might be pushing him too hard Barton." She said

"Thank you!" I exclaimed

Ignoring me Agent Barton replied to thе woman "Nah he'll survive"

"Come with me please" She demanded in a forced tone. As if nothing was going on he walked with her. Silently I when to my tool belt at the side of the room and started to fiddle with some metal wires. I couldn't hear what they were saying although I guessed it was about me. Because of something he said a pained expression came across her face, but just as fast as it was there it was gone.

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Making my way the room I will be living in until summer, I thought, despite myself, about how wonderful it would be to have a mortal family and not have to worry about Greek or Roman gods asking  me to do their dirty work. 'No Leo you can't think like that!'  I mentally scolded myself.
'Think about tomorrow'. Tomorrow I is my first day training with other S.H.I.E.L.D Agents. Just thinking about it gave me clammy hands.

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