{7} Nepilhim?

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Ugh I woke up groggily not remembering where I was and blinded by the white of the room. Looking I around for a way to escape from this place that definitely wasn't S.H.I.E.L.D I found a window. Pulling a small screwdriver from my tool belt I opened the hinges of the window and climes out. 30 floors. Wow I really wish I had Jason or Percy's powers right now to get out of here. Quickly I climbed back in and put he hinges back on hoping that my kidnapper would not come back soon. Using the tap into the bathroom I evaporated the water and created a rainbow. Throwing a golden drachma in I prayed.

"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow please accept my offering and show me Percy Jackson."

"Hey Leo, where have you been nobody has heard from you in 3 days?!"

"I've just been doing some... stuff I'll tell you later. Right now I need you to do me a favor,"

"Sure. What is it?"

"I need you to please pick me up from Stark Tower, 31st floor, fourth room from the left on the north side."

"Why are you in Stark Tower?"

"I'll tell you later, I just need you to vapor travel me out of here quick!"

"Ok." And then he cut off. Doing a quick scan I checked to see if there was anything I could use later on.

"Where to?" Percy asked as he vapor traveled right in front of me.

"Camp Half-Blood." I replied.

"Ok just give me a moment to rest, I'm not as good as Nico.
"We will have to make a few stops on the way, I can hardly take myself from CHB to here." He informed me. Taking an exhausted Percy to the sink I splashed him in the face then lay him down on the couch.

Hearing footsteps outside I jerked to alertness.

"Percy we gotta go someone is outside!" I exclaimed. Without a word he grabbed my arm and vapor travelled out of the

I do not suggest vapor-travel if you are scared of:

a) Feeling freezing cold and burning hot.

b) Falling — like you will never reach the bottom.

c) The dark.

We re-materialised in a colorful club in what seemed like Brooklyn.

"I don't remember inviting you. Can I see your invitation?" Asked a man with eyes that were slit like a cat's, spiky black hair, glitter around his eyes(even on his eyeshadow) and his hands had electric blue sparks shooting off them.

"Sorry Mr...?" Percy asked

"Bane. Magnus Bane" the man replied.

"Sorry Mr. Bane we must have got the wrong address. We will be going now." Apologized Percy.

"No, no stay the party will be fun" Magnus said as he lead them into the crowd.

"Are you two warlocks? No, probably not. Nepilhim maybe, but you're not marked. Mundane? Possibly with the way your looking at me. So what are you?" Magnus asked.

"We are ordinary humans." I said before Percy could say anything. Percy gave me me questioning glance wondering what I was doing.

"Your definitely not ordinary due to the fact that you can see through my glamour, but don't know about the Shadow World, interesting," he said thoughtfully.

"We really must be going, can't be late for our friend's birthday." Urged Percy.

"Well if you must go at least take my card it was nice meeting you." Magnus said winking at Percy.

"Thank you sir." I  replied for Percy as we turned for the door.

"The doors not that way, it's to your left." Magnus chuckled as he walked into the crowd.

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