The next day

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It was only 6am and Molly was up and in the shower, getting ready for what she was hoping would be a good day of shopping with Austin and the boys. Molly knew where she had to be and what time, but for the time being was trying to find out an outfit that would be nice.
Meanwhile at a hotel in the town centre Austin was in his hotel room he shared with Nate, he had been awake for about an hour when Nate woke up and said "Hey bro why are u awake this early?
"No reason couldn't sleep."
"It's that girl from last night isn't it, the one who is coming shopping with us?"
"Yes when I walked outside last night she was the first person I saw, she was standing there at the back,not screaming or rushing forward like others. She didn't rush forward when we walked out."
"Dude just get ready and we will meet up with her go shopping get to know her then maybe you two can spend time on your own together. Is she bringing a friend or is it just her?"
Austin had Molly's mobile number so he text her to say she could bring a friend with her.
Molly was alerted to her phone by Austin's text, so she called her best friend Charlie and told her to be at Molly's house in half an hour.
When Charlie arrived they got into a taxi to town where they had to meet Austin and the boys. Molly's outfit was jeans, white button up shirt and a blue jacket.
While in the taxi Molly explained to Charlie what had happened the night before , to which she said " You mean, the first person Austin spoke to was you and then he took you round to meet all the other guys?"
"Yes I was standing there waiting to meet them."
"Did you get to meet Drew and what's he like, I bet he is fit"
Molly had forgotten how much Charlie liked Drew.
Ten minutes later the girls had arrived at the boys hotel and waiting there outside was Austin and Drew. Molly thought how hot the guys looked but didn't want to say anything.

Austin was wearing black jeans, his flamingo shirt and black and white vans and for some reason he had sunglasses on and it was raining. Drew also wearing black jeans and vans but he had a white shirt on, so Molly said " Hey Drew is wearing a white shirt a good idea."
With that the guys took them into the hotel and into the restaurant so they could join Nate and Levi for breakfast. Molly could see Nate talking to Levi, look over at her and then smile.
Austin sat opposite her while Nate sat next to her. Drew sat by Charlie with Levi opposite her. Nate said " Are you girls ready for this shopping with guys"
Molly said "Are you kidding me girls can shop for hours and not have a problem"

When they had all finished it was time to get in their mini bus and go to the shopping centre. Once there they split into two groups Molly, Austin and Nate. Then Levi Charlie and Drew. Molly said " Look after her guys"
In the first shop Austin went to try some trousers on so Nate said "Molly do you like Austin?"
"Nate are you kidding me, he is so hot it's unbelievable. His voice amazes me every time and anyway who wouldn't like him."
All of a sudden Molly felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to find Austin,by now she was going a lovely shade of red because she believes that he had heard everything she had just said. Austin said " Did you mean those things you just said about me?"
"Austin when we sit down later I will explain everything."

The first part of the shopping trip last three hours then Nate said "Guys can we stop for a drink please?"
So the three of them went into the nearest cafe and sat down. Molly said "I will get us all a coffee."
While Molly was getting the coffees Nate said " How is it going between you both."
"Nate I am really surprised about what she said about me. Why would she say that she doesn't know me."
"Don't be such an idiot Austin she loves you, I know you haven't been on a date but I can tell she does. Just tell her how you feel, because if you don't you will regret it."
Of course Nate was right about how Molly felt, yes she loved Austin so much.
Molly arrived at the table with the coffees and Austin, who was sitting next to Molly said "Molly can I ask you something please?"
She must of looked worried because he said "Hey don't look like that. I just wanted to know why you said all that earlier?"
Upon that Molly turned slightly and said " I meant what I said your voice amazes me every time I listen to it. Yes I do love you in many ways, my favourite being the way you don't believe in yourself, you are amazing, but don't change."
Molly looked at Austin only to find he had tears in his eyes, all she could do was get up and walk away, leaving Austin wondering what to do. Nate looked amused at what was going on, not knowing who he should go to first. He went to Austin and asked what had happened to which Austin replied "Molly told me how she felt, and that I need to believe in myself"
"She is right. You have let her walk out of here because she has told you what everyone else has already said before but because you like her you believe it. Go after her and tell her how you feel about her."

Austin loves......Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang