New beginnings

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It was 8 am the next morning when Molly and Austin actually woke up and they were both surprised to be still in the same clothes as they had travelled in. Molly said "Good morning Austin."
"Good morning babe, did you sleep well?"
"Definitely your bed is so comfortable."
"It's our bed now. Come on mom has cooked us a breakfast."
They went down into the kitchen, where they found his mom and sister, who was just getting ready for school. His mom said " I take it you slept well."
Austin said "Yes thanks mom,we are going to take a shower, if that's ok?"
" Of course it's ok, you know where everything is. I am of out to work now,so just enjoy yourselves and relax."
It was then his mom and sister left, Austin said "Come on let's get showered then we can book our vacation, somewhere quiet just us two."
Molly knew what Austin was thinking as they had the house to themselves.

Go on let your imagination run wild, they are a young couple in love, so they did what most young couples do...

After they had, had their shower Austin said "Come on let's go a book a vacation for the two of us."
The two of them went of into town and into a travel agents. The lady in the store said " Hello Austin you travelling again. To which he replied " I want a two week holiday to Hawaii for two people going as soon as possible."
They looked on the computer and found a holiday filling all their requirement.  Austin said "When does it leave?"
The lady said it was two days time. Austin just paid there and then. Outside the store Molly said " I haven't got any clothes for that type of holiday. Or that amount of money."
"Don't worry about money we will be okay, and as for clothes that's where we are going now."
They spent hours going in every shop buying so much stuff. Everything from shoes, shorts to t-shirts and dresses.
When they got back home, Austin got the cases out, so they could pack straight away. Well it wasn't they it was Austin packing, after which Molly said "When we have been away I am going to find a job. I can't be staying here and not pay my way. Please don't say I don't need a job."
"I wasn't going to say anything. What would you say if I said my mom runs different groups at her church would you be able to help her, I know she would be grateful especially the kids groups."
"That would be amazing."
With that Molly went downstairs and began to cook some dinner for the two of them. While they were eating Molly said "Are you sure your mom will want me to help her.
Austin just explained that even he helped out when he was relaxing.
Molly washed the dishes and Austin dried up. 
They went back up to Austin's room and put a DVD on. Austin locked his bedroom door so they wouldn't be distributed. Austin had put some shorts on but decided to remain without a shirt, leaving Molly to lie up his tight toned body with her arm across his torso. Molly sat forward a little then kissed Austin's neck  then his cheek, which led to Austin's hand wondering all over Molly's body, which also led to more passionate kissing, yes they did make love again. When they had finished they just lay there naked,with Austin's arms wrapped round Molly. They were blissfully unaware of what the time was so when they heard the front door close they got up and dressed. Austin unlocked the door and went down to see who had come home. He found it was his mom. He said "Mom you are home early. Let me make you a coffee."
As he put the kettle on Molly entered the kitchen and said "Hello Mrs Corini, how was your day?"
"Molly it was great thank you and you can call me Jeanine."
Molly said " If you don't mind I will call you Mrs Corini, I have only just met you and for me it would be disrespectful to use Christian names already. I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind. Anyway what have you two been doing today?"
Austin said " We went and booked a vacation to Hawaii for two weeks. I know I have been away for ages but this is different. Then we had lunch and then went and watched a film in my room."
"When do you fly out?"
"Well today is Tuesday so Thursday morning. It will be the first time Molly and I have had some proper alone time."
"I understand you totally and if Molly is going to be part of the family you need time together. Just don't tell Jayden you are going away again."
"Mom do you still need someone to help you with the kids club things you do at church?"
"You know I do Austin, why?"
"Molly is insisting on getting job to help pay for things so I said you would need help and Molly said that would be good."
Austin finished making a drink for everyone then him and Molly went back up to his room. Molly said that she hoped his mom hadn't taken offence with what she had said about calling her Mrs Corini. He explained that she would have more respect for Molly because of it. For the next couple of hours Austin was writing some new music, so Molly out her iPod on and read a book. Her music was quiet loud because Austin could hear it,me tapped Molly's arm and said "What are you listening to?"
"Well it varies but the song on at the moment is Until the moon strikes fire."
Shocked that she even knew the song Austin said "That's my song."
" I know it's a beautiful song.I found it on YouTube and loved I straight away."
Austin finished doing his writing because he had hit a blank. Molly said "Babe don't worry you will be fine once we have been away. You have worked so hard for the last couple of months, you need to relax. Come here and give me a hug."
Austin left his laptop on the desk and went over to Molly who was sitting on the bed. She gave him a hug and said "You are so tense , but I don't know why"
"Neither do I babe. I will be fine after we have been away. Let's go out for a meal tonight"
"Really I thought you would want to stay in"
Two hours later they were showered and change and off into town the a quiet restaurant that his mom had told Austin about.

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