Mr and Mrs

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When Austin woke up the next morning he began to panic because Molly wasn't there. He actually rang Drew and asked him, to which Drew said "Bro don't panic, she is fast asleep in here, I found her at around two am going to sit outside. All she wanted was that you didn't see her till she walked down the aisle later. Don't worry me and Nate shared the bed so she could sleep"
"Are you sure she is ok?"
"Austin will you begin to get ready, she is fine. She will be there at midday."
Molly woke up while Drew was on the phone to Austin and  made sure that Austin knew she okay. Drew finished on the phone.
There was a knock at the door and Nate said " That should be breakfast."
Is was breakfast along with Connor.
"Good morning Molly how are you feeling this morning?"
Connor nodded so she said " I am so much better today and this may sound silly but I have missed him so much and it's only been a few hours."
"He is fine Brad and the others have just took him some breakfast, now you are going to eat as you have got to have your hair and make up done."
"I was going to do it myself."

Brad was in with Austin and said "Are you nervous yet?"
"I was when I woke up and found Molly wasn't there, but now I know she is with Drew and Nate."
"We have known you for a while now and this is the first time we have seen you really happy."
"Brad, I knew from the first time I saw her that one day I would marry her. She is my world, my everything. I would do anything for Molly."

Molly was sitting on the bed eating her breakfast that Drew,Connor and Nate had made her eat. While eating Nate said "After the ceremony this afternoon you and Austin are spending the night in the honeymoon suite and you haven't got to worry about a thing."
"But we have a room of our own we don't need the honeymoon suite. I will have all I need in that room because Austin will be there."

After breakfast Molly had a shower and started to get ready, deciding to do he own hair and makeup.
It was just Molly and Nate in the room now, as the other boys had gone to get ready. Nate said " Austin has his soulmate in you and I have a new best friend"
"Nate I am so grateful to you for being friend and I love the way you know how I am feeling.."
"What are you wearing?"
"I have a long white dress to wear for this, it is far to hot for a traditional dress."
"Austin won't care what you wear as long as you are there, he loves you so much Molly"

Austin had put on some blue shorts and a thin cotton shirt. Tris, Brad and James had gone onto the beach to make sure everything was ready. Drew and Levi waited for Austin to finish getting ready then they went to the beach.
Connor and Nate waited patiently for Molly. When she came out of the bathroom she saw the smiles on their faces so she knew everything was going to be okay.
Nate said "Austin asked me to give you this."
He passed Molly a small box, which contained a bracelet,which Nate and Connor helped her put on.
They walked along the beach and found where the ceremony was going to be,with Connor walking just in front of Molly and Nate.
At the top of the aisle Nate left Molly to walk down on her own.
For Molly seeing Austin standing there waiting for her was like a dream, she thought how gorgeous he looked. She walked down to him and when she got to him, all she could do was smile. Half an hour later Austin was kissing his bride.
Tris was taking some photos. During which Austin said " How about doing a live feed and announcing the wedding."
"You will get hate off people, I know I will but I don't care about me I can handle it, but I don't want my husband getting any hate."
"Guys what do you think if we do a live feed."
Everyone said it was a good idea. Molly said "Austin before we do don't you think we should send your mom some pictures."
Tris sent the pictures to Austin then Austin sent them to his mom.
James had already started the live stream, as he was really good at doing them.

"Hey guys, me and the boys are here in Hawaii for a short holiday and the wedding of a good friend, that you all know. Oh and look who else is here. Say hi Drew."
"Hello guys, me, Levi and Nate are also here and it is for the wedding of Austin and his girlfriend Molly."
James  turned the camera onto Molly and Austin who were standing there having some more photos took. The live stream lasted for about ten minutes with the final word going to Nate, "I hope you fans don't give my best friend and Austin's new wife any grief for them getting married."
Once it was over everyone went and had a lovely meal. It was during this that Austin got up and left the room leaving Molly worried, but she had a feeling she knew where he would be, so she went up to their room and there he was standing looking out the window. He hadn't even noticed that Molly had walked in the room, so Molly went up to him and put her arms around his waist, which made him jump slightly. He then turned and said "Hello Mrs Corini."
"Wow that still sounds strange, but I love it."
Molly and Austin never rejoined the others, I mean it was their wedding night and we all know what happens on wedding nights.

This was a short chapter and quite soppy. I need ideas for my next chapter so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know

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