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It was 9am next morning when Molly woke up, " Hey beautiful, how was your sleep?"
"Good morning Austin it was great, you are dressed early."
"We are waiting for you because we have to leave soon for London. I have even ordered you some breakfast, I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind. Have I got time for a shower before we have to be on the bus?"
Austin nodded that she had time.
Molly ate breakfast, had a shower and got dressed. When she was getting her things together she said "Morning Drew, has Charlie gone yet."
"I will go and check the room just in case you left anything behind."
Drew left Molly and Austin on their own for a few minutes. Austin wasn't looking so Molly went up behind him put her arms around his tight muscular body and kissed the back of his neck. He turned round kissed her cheek and then gave her a big hug.
Drew came back and said "Yes she has gone and you only left shoes behind."
"Thanks Drew."
With that the three of them went down to the bus. Nate and Levi were already on the bus. Davey said "Have you got everything?"
Everyone nodded.
Once everyone was settled on the bus our journey to London began. Molly asked if anyone knew what time Charlie had left! Nate said he thought it was about 7:30. Davey said "Molly she did leave at 7:30 and she said to tell you she was sorry for what was said and that one day you will forgive her."
"Thanks Davey, maybe one day I will but the way I feel at the moment I could kill her, she could of ruined me and Austin with what she said. She knew exactly what she was doing, she was jealous because she wasn't as close to Drew as I am to Austin. Sorry Drew but I know what she is like."
"It's okay, I am glad I found out beforehand. I don't like people like that."
All of a sudden Austin's phone began to ring. It was his mom. He answered and said "Hello mom, how are you?" He put the phone on speaker.
"I am great son, I was just wondering when am I going to see a picture of the girl that has captured your heart."
Molly just looked and smiled. "You want one of just Molly or of us both together I have both pictures. Or I could Skype you and you could see her with me."
"Ooh Skype me asap then"
He put the phone down on that call and got Skype ready. Molly said "Are you sure about this, what if your mom doesn't like me."
"She will love you like I do"
Austin and Molly went and sat on his bunk and her Skyped his mom . When she answered him he said "Mom I would like you to meet Molly, Molly please meet my mom."
Molly said " Hello Mrs. Corini it's nice to see you."
Austin, Molly and his mom spoke for about 10 minutes. After which Molly said " Do you think your mom liked me Austin?"
"She loved you Molly and wait till she meets you it will be even better."
" I am going to meet your mom, when?"
"When we go back to the states after the tour. That's if you want to come to LA with me"
Was he kidding of course she would go with him. "You are serious aren't you?"
"I wouldn't joke about that Molly. We could go out on proper dates, go on vacation just the two of us."
The two of them just held each other, they lay on his bunk which was interesting as it was a single bed. They were so close and Molly didn't care.

Meanwhile out with the others Nate said " I can't believe the tour is nearly over. What are we going to do?"
Drew said "We have the album to finish recording but first vacations for us all."
After about an hour Molly looked and Austin was fast a sleep, so she rejoined the others. Levi said "Hey Molls, where's Austin?"
"Well after speaking to his mom for a while, we had some alone time, so we lay down for a while and he fell asleep."
Nate said " We are about to play some Xbox want to join us"
Molly played games with them, until Austin joined them.
The journey to London seemed to last forever, well it must of because at some point the only people who were still awake were Austin and Molly. It was during this quiet time they had a proper deep conversation about all different things. Molly told Austin about the one fan of The Tide that seemed to hate him, nobody knew why she just did. Austin said "Is she coming to the show tonight.?"
"Yes I think so, let me just check her Twitter, no I don't follow her because I think I might say something to her if I did,but I will say something if she is at the m&g."
"You would do that for me babe?"
"Of course I would believe me she won't cross me, anyone who gives my boyfriend hate gives it to me."
"That's the first time you have called me your boyfriend?"
"Well you are, aren't you?"
"You bet I am."
"Yes she is coming tonight and has m&g tickets. What she won't know is that your girlfriend will be there, because I will be working for Dean tonight. When you do the meet and greet bit you need to be in a position that you can see everyone else so I can see her arrive, because I want to see if she leaves you out. Also I get the feeling she might try something during the show. I will show Davey and the security team later. Now come here and give me one of those kisses I love so much."
Austin turned to Molly put his hands gently onto Molly's head,pulled her forward and kissed her so gently it surprised Molly. Afterwards they just sat there in each other's arms.
The bus pulled up at the back of the venue, so Austin woke everyone up. "Did u all sleep well."
They all said yes and that they felt much better for it.
Inside the venue,everyone went into the same dressing. Dean was there and said "Where is the other one?"
Levi said "Dean don't ask, Molly is here and she is ready to take so many pictures for you."
Dean gave Molly a better camera to use this time and said if they are good enough photos he may have a job for her. Once he had left them all, Molly explained all about the girl who really hates Austin and the fact that she would be there tonight and that Molly thought the girl might do something during the show. Drew said " I think I know what girl you are on about, it's all over Twitter and what she plans to do. What are you planning."
"Well as I am there taking photos of you guys again I am going to look out for her, and if she starts on my man,well let's just say she won't do it again. Right I am going to go and tell the security staff here to keep an eye out."
Nate said "Molly tell Davey and Joe they can help you explain."
Molly went to find Davey. When she found him she explained everything about this girl, he took her to find Joe.
Meanwhile back with the boys Nate said "I don't think we will have to worry about this girl tonight, Molly has your back Austin."
"I know having Molly working for Dean is brilliant because they won't know she is my girlfriend and Molly knows what this girl looks like. She said she will meet everyone except me so we should know what girl before the show."

Austin loves......Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum