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I've been delaying this for so long

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I've been delaying this for so long... Sorry!!!! ><

Anyway, it's Chen's birthday today!




It's been a year since we debuted and compared to our sunbae groups, EXO-K and EXO-M are not that successful.Our debut song HISTORY and MAMA didn't go really well and no matter how hard we practice, nothing seems to be helping us gain more fans.

"Guys, SooMan-sajangnim called me earlier and told me that he'll be having a meeting with you guys in the company building in an hour so we need to go now!" Manager Lee informed.

We all nodded before changing our clothes and went straight to the company building in our usual underrated van.

Once we arrived, we went to the usual meeting room and were shocked to be seeing the EXO-M members there as well.

"Hyung!!! I thought you guys were still in China!" I shouted before hugging the six of them.

"We just got here this morning and went straight to the company since we were told that SooMan-sajangnim wanted to meet us~" Luhan explained.

"Jinjja!?! Do you think we're finally having a comeback?" I cheerfully asked.

"I think so~" he nodded in agreement.

We all sat down and waited for SooMan-sajangnim to come while chatting about what we've been doing when we were separated.

After awhile, he entered with our managers.

"I'm guessing you guys know what we're going to be talking about today?" he asked.

We all shook our heads.

"I guess your managers wanted to make it a surprise~" he chuckled before sitting down.

"Today, we're going to talk about your comeback for this year. Everyone's been working hard on this, so I hope you guys will too~ Hopefully, this comeback can turn your group's population upside down. The concept of this song will be different from your debut concept. You guys will not be using the powers from the debut concept, instead you guys will be wolves. There will be a story behind your song, that means, you guys will not only be shooting your normal MVs, but also the drama version. Furthermore, the thing that will make this comeback special for all of you is the fact that you guys will not longer be separated into EXO-K and EXO-M, but as a whole group, EXO." he explained.

We were all pretty amazed but also happy by the idea of getting back together after a whole year of being separated.

"But, there will still be Chinese and Korean version of your albums, MVs and songs so for the album, the Chinese version will still be sung by EXO-M and the Korean version will be sung by EXO-K. The only difference is the fact that the MV will include all of you and the EXO-K members will sing the Chinese version of Wolf with the EXO-M members and vice versa. Practice will start next week so enjoy your week while you can and I'll see you guys again before the comeback~" he concluded before walking out of the meeting room, leaving all of us flabbergasted.

"Hyung, am I hearing the right thing?" I tapped onto Baekhyun's arm.

He nodded, still shocked with everything that's happening right now.

Suddenly, a cheer broke the tense silence...

"WE ARE FINALLY ONE!!!!!!" Tao shouted, making everyone get out of their thoughts.

"I can't believe this is coming true! I'm so happy~" Chen said with a wide smile.

"Let's spend our week with smiles," Suho clapped before putting his hand in the middle of the table.

Everyone started putting their hands in the middle and once everyone had their arms in the middle, we all shouted the chant we've been wanted to shout together, "WE ARE ONE! WE ARE EXO!"


I apologize for the short update guys, I don't think I'll be able to update today if I continue any longer since I need to go to sleep and once I stop, I'll delay it even longer so yea... I'm going to end it here~

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of OH SEHUN'S BAEKBEAGLE [TWO] and I'll see you guys in The 12 Legendary Wolves next week ;D

I'll try updating the second chapter as soon as possible, but I'm not sure when SOON is going to be so... thank you for waiting and I hope you guys will keep supporting this fanfic~

사랑해요 멍멍이~ Love you Pups~

Oh! Please do check out my fanfic 'The Scar', I updated a long ass chapter there today... literally... 후후

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