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GAHHHHHHH! I'm supposed to update this on EXO's Anniv and then another one on Sehun's birthday but I can't even update this on Sehun's birthday... I'm cryin for goodness sake ㅠㅠ I'm so so so sorry for not updating after what seems like 12345678 years... ><

On the other side... HAPPY BAEKHYUN DAY!!!


A week break means having rest and spending our time together. Though we live together, we don't usually talk a lot since we're all busy with our own practices and schedules. After all the practices and schedules, since we're always tired, we ended up going to bed without chatting much. Now that we got a break, everyone's excited about spending the time together and chat about what we've been wanting to tell each other.

"Chan! Do you know any places we could go to?" Chen asked Chanyeol, who was sitting beside him.

"I found a place where there's not many people but I'm not sure whether it will worth our one week break since we barely get one and I want to make the most out of it..." he frowned.

"Should we just go to Suho hyung's guesthouse?" Kyungsoo suggested.

"Oh my gosh... right! How has it been since we last went there?" Suho questioned.

"A year? Cause we went last summer," Kai answered.

"He's right, it's been a year since we went there," Chanyeol replied.

I smiled as I thought about the days we spent in the guesthouse the year before... those were good memories.

"I guess it's final then.... we're going to Suho's guesthouse," Kris clapped.

"Ok guys, start packing and sleep early! If we can get there early, we'll have more time to hangout," Suho clapped as everyone started going to their own rooms and pack their stuff for the upcoming days that are hopefully, going to be memorable to all of them.

The Next Day...

I was putting my stuff inside the van when suddenly, I heard someone calling me. When I turned around, I saw Sehun running towards me with two dufflebags.

"Hyung! Can you put this inside the van?" Sehun asked as he put the bags down.

"Who's bags are those?" I frowned.

"It's our food and snacks! There's no food stock in Suho hyung's house," Sehun explained.

"That's gonna take a lot of the space though, what if there's no more space for the other members' bags?" I questioned.

"Don't worry, Chanyeol hyung is bringing another car," he smiled.

I sighed, "Ok~ I'll put it in."

It took us about 30 minutes to finish putting in the bags and when we were done, we all went on the van while Chanyeol and Kris went on the other since Kris complained about how the space in the van is too small for his long legs.


On our way there, everyone was asleep and my eyes were starting to feel heavy... not long after that, I entered the darkness.


I was playing my favorite game when I suddenly got a notification.

"Gosh! I almost won the game!" I silently whined as I checked opened the notification section.

'변형 생일*'

My eyes widened, 'It's Baek's Birthday today?' I thought.

I quickly checked the date today and realized that it was already May 6th. Turning off my phone, I quickly woke the others up.

"Guys! It's Baekhyun's Birthday!" I whispered.

"Yea, we know," D.O grunted, trying to go back to sleep.

"What!?! Why didn't anyone tell me??" I frowned.

"Cause we thought everyone knew! You're probably the only one who forgot about it!" Chen chuckled.

My hands roughly went through my hair as I try to get rid of my frustration.

"Hyung! You're so mean to me! I feel so guilty now..." I silently sulked.

"Then do something to make him happy!" Luhan said before he opened his phone and played with it.

I leaned back and started wiggling my whole body in frustration, hoping the guilt would disappear, but it wasn't helping at all.

"Sehun? You ok?" Baekhyun slightly open his eyes as he stared at me.

"Yea! Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I answered in a weird tone.

"You were moving around so I though you weren't feeling well or something," he muttered, half asleep.

"No hyung, just go back to sleep~ I'll wake you up when we arrive," I told him.

After he fell asleep, I began going through my chrome searching for a good birthday surprise.

'What should I do....' I  mentally screamed.



I mean... I had the time to update before and the ideas but I somehow lost my motivation due to the other things I was doing and like... now, I'm in the middle of IGCSE and I'm focusing on my art related stuff (since I need it for university) and I couldn't find anytime to update ><

Since I don't know when I'll be able to update again, I decided to give you guys this short update here today~ Once again, I'm so so so so sorry! I couldn't update on EXO's Anniv, Sehun's B'day, 1000 days with Aeri and EXO-CBX's Ka-Ching release day.... I really wanted to but I could barely finish the chapter ><

I'll try to update on Suho's birthday and please do keep supporting my stories... Thank you *90° bow*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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