Chapter 3

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this chapter is gonna be quick guys cuz im in keyboarding class right now.....

Whenever class was over I found out that Alec had all the same classes as me. Whenever he found out I thought that he would be upset but he actually looked really happy. I must of just been imagining things.

Whenever lunch time came around Alec walked over to my desk and actually picked up my books for me and carried them. And when I gave him a questioning look he just smiled.

"Lead the way Cami." I just nodded my head and gave him one last glance before I walked ahead of him to the cafateria.

When we got there I walked over to the lunch line and payed for my food and then I waited until Alec was done getting his.

Once he was done I lead him back outside and underneath a beautiful weeping willow. This is my favorite tree in the whole school and I sit here everyday. I guess you could say that this is my tree considering that nobody else would dare come near it because they might catch my "disease" but they are all stupid if you think that you can catch becoming mute. I mean i'm not even really mute because I can talk I just am too afraid to.

I must of spaced out because whenever I looked over at Alec he was waving his hand in my face yelling my name.

I just gave him am apologetic face and sat down.

"Are you okay Cami?"

I just nodded my head yes.

"Okay" Alec said okay but I could tell that he really didn't believe me but he wouldn't push for more.

We ate the rest of our lunch in silence. But it wasn't really an awkward silence. More like a peaceful one.

After we finished eating Alec helped me up and carried my bag to our next class and in this class he sat right next to me once again.

When I looked over at him he just smiled and when I smiled back his smile got even bigger.

Hmm, maybe this year won't suck that much after all. I think I might even start to like more than a friend maybe......

But I don't think that I could ever tell him that becuse there is no way that a guy like Alec would like a girl like me. Anyways it would be really selfish of me because Alec deserves way better than me.

Okay guys thats it for right now but I promise to really start writing more aslong as yall vote for me and comment and give me some of yalls opinions on how yall would like this book to end because I am just writing as I go because I am a horrible planner haha okay guys I gotta go because my bus is here and school is about to end.....BYE!!!!!


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