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No arc story.

All season is mostly about Farkle's fight with cancer and his feelings.

Riley tries to forget the one she loves. Will a hook up with familiar person help her?

RIARKLE.Or maybe not, if Maya gets jealous.

Oh,Farkle. Zay,the greatest friend alive.

Riley,you can't make yourself fall for someone you don't love.

What if? Farkle begins thinking about it. Maya likes that.

MARKLE. Not one sided.

RUCAS. Riley knows why. And now,Zay knows it too.

Who's Owner of the Lonely Heart? Oh,that's right...Farkle.

Everyone are trying to do something. Once again...Zay is the greatest friend alive.

MARKLE. But not if Farkle gets jealous of RUCAS.

Riley likes seeing jealous Farkle.

You don't wanna hear what doctors have to say. Why? Bad news. Always the bad news.

RUCAS. Only if Riley stops thinking about someone else.

MARKLE. Because Farkle believes in what he sees.

One couple already happened. Now,the second one will happen because of the first one.

MARKLE. Attraction leads somewhere.

RUCAS.One sided. Always have,always will be.

Surgery. Alive or dead?


''I wanted to say goodbye.''

ZAYA. Beginning of beautiful friendship. One sided. Why? Because of MARKLE.

Farkle,seriously in love? Let's hear what Riley has to say about it. Zay might wanna help her.

Farkle,steps back.

Always use protection. Riley will know why.

Farkle wants someone. Why? In love or just attraction? Riley or Maya? Or both of them? What Maya thinks of it?

Who's pregnant?

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