вegιnnιng oғ colorғυl eмoтιonѕ- nogla

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Day- 1
Color- Green

Green is a beautiful color ain't it? Well, it was his favorite anyway. DaithiDeNogla, or David, Was one of the Irish men out of the ten. He loved them all....

At least he used to before he lost the feeling or memory of the love he had for them.

Green can be the color of the leaves on the branches of every tree...until Fall came and they start changing all sorts of colors.

Green was the color of the grass...except it can be very messy when the rain fell onto it.

Green can be vegetables too! Only....they wither and die so quickly. Things have an expiration date, they all do.

It's like their ability to FEEL, they've lost the thought of it. No, the ten weren't strangers but their feelings towards each other were surely strangers.

Once more...

Nogla didn't know what to feel, what to think or what to do. He wanted to know what this...odd pounding was, the one coming from his chest. He looked around at everyone around him, Moo, Vanoss, Mini, Terroriser, Delirious, Wildcat, Basically, Cartoonz and Lui.

He couldn't help but have a sad smile because he knew nothing of what these feelings were, it scared him. He saw nothing but Colorful Emotions.

But of course, everyone's true colors come out...Don't they?

Nogla's was Depression.

Guuuuuuys! I decided to write a Polly story since I tend to ramble on and stuffs. A Polly one shot book was one I wanted to write until I realized I suck at doing different prompts. Anyway!

I hope ye guys enjoy this book~

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