c h a p t e r t w e n t y e i g h t ( 3 r d p o v )

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All the teens turned to follow the small boy with the glasses, but the crack of lighting over the water caught their attention. Slowly, all the teens turned their gaze to water as thunder rolled over the lake.

Katie was the first to react. "We need to go. Now."

And with that, all the teens turned back to find Mikie had already began his sprint towards the shed.

They didn't hesitate to follow.


3:30 am on Saturday

The group slowly came to a halt, breathing hard as they looked around them.

"Jade told us it was suppose to rain," Mikie said in a hushed voice as if speaking too loudly would disturb the night even more. The skies were dark, and it was almost impossible to see where they were going, but Mikie was staying confident as he lead the way. Everyone was drenched from head to toe as the rain pelted down on them mercilessly.

Katie smiled sadly, "Yeah, she can always tell when it's going to rain. Her toe tingles," she sniffled a little, but wiped her nose with her arm making everyone's nose scrunch in disgust.

Mikie expected someone to say something else, but no one did. They just stood there, catching their breath in the rain.

"We should keep going guys," Wyatt said over the sound of the water splashing onto the leaves around them. They all silently began moving again, too tired to say much more. They sauntered through the woods quietly.

They tried their best to avoid branches and logs that stood in their way, but Amber still ended up tripping over a log. She groaned in pain as she laid in a mud puddle, "This is where I die! Tell Joey I love him! I can't go on!"

Everyone stopped and tried to help her up as Shawn rolled his eyes, "Stop complaining."

"If I have to keep going while I have to go to the ladies room, you can get up and keep walking," Katie groaned, her patience wearing thin.

Amber mumbled a few words under her breath, but moved forward nonetheless. Tensions were still high between John and Amber, but John felt bad for the girl he fancied as he saw her looking exhausted and covered in mud. He sighed before turning around so his back was facing her, "Jump on."

Amber furrowed her eyebrows and looked around to see who he was talking to, but when no one moved she realized he was talking to her, "No, I'll be fine."

John groaned and threw his head back in frustration, "Just get on my back. It's not too far anyway."

Amber didn't want to, but her feet were aching and her eyelids felt so heavy. She decided to give in so she wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped. John held her up by her thighs, and he continued on behind the rest of the group. Amber had fallen asleep not too long after they began walking. Her soft snores and the rain filled the air around the teens.

"Can you shut her up?" Chris asked with an irritated groan.

John rolled his eyes, repositioning Amber on his back slightly so she wouldn't fall, "She's asleep. Now shut up and keep walking."

Chris wouldn't take no for an answer though, "Then wake her up. Her snores are driving me insane."

"Yeah, it's her snores and not the abundance of drugs you take," John snapped, and tightened his grip on Amber's thighs.

Everyone was irritable and ready to take a break. None of them felt as much relief as they did when they appeared at the clearing where the shed was. They walked up to it, some looking in the windows while Wyatt pulled on the door. Much to their disappointment, the door was locked.

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