Chapter Seven

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Every day from 3:30 to 6:00, we have a break to hang out until we eat dinner, which is open 6 o'clock to 9. Every day, that is, except Thursday. The class we have before gets cut short at 3:15 and we head down to the quidditch field for flying lessons with the Gryffindors. Today will be the first day we get to fly.

I meet up with Daphne and Tracey at the entrance to the school and we walk to class together, excited to fly.


"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick.Come on now, hurry up."

Everyone does so.

"Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'"

We all do this, but Harry's broom is the only one that comes up, after a few times, my broom rams itself into my hand, one try less than Malfoy. That brings a smirk to my face. It takes a long time for everyone to get their broom up, in fact once only one side of the broom came up and smacked Ron in the face.

When all the brooms are in someone's hand, Madam Hooch continues

"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off of the ground hard, keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward for a moment and touch back down. On my whistle, three, two-" She blows.

Neville immediately starts hovering without any effort at all.

Nobody else goes.

We all watch as Neville's broom raises continually then then shoots through the air rapidly, Neville begins screaming as the broom rockets everywhere, going crazy. He flies for a good long while until his cloak gets caught on a statue at the of a tower, they it rips and gets caught on another thing, until he falls out of his cloak entirely.

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch declares and she rushes to take Neville to Hospital wing. In the meantime, Malfoy picks up a glass ball that I could only assume was Neville's.

"Did you see his face?" I don't catch the rest of what he says.

"Give it here, Malfoy" Harry declares.

"No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He mounts the broom and flies away, saying "How 'bout the roof?" then he flies possible 30-40 meters above the ground.

Harry, hesitantly mounts his broom before being stopped by Hermione.

"Harry, no way. You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly." Harry flies away anyways, "What. An. Idiot." she remarks. Honestly I agree.

Harry meets up with Malfoy in the sky, before Malfoy throws the ball, I can barely see it, far away. As soon as he does so, Harry speeds off after to, nearly running into a window as the result. He catches the ball though and returns victoriously to our central area.

Professor Mcgonagall interrupts the Gryffindor's celebrating calling Harry for detention, probably.


That afternoon, at around 9, I decide to play with Buffy instead of doing homework, because let's be honest here, homework is the work of satan. Daphne's on the couch next to me working on the assignment and Tracey's already gone to bed. Then I overhear Malfoy bragging to Crabbe and Goyle.

"It's hilarious, I bet they're actually going to go to the Trophy Room, at midnight. It's pretty obvious that it's a trap."

I turn to Daphne, "What's Malfoy going on about?"

"Apparently he challenged Harry Potter and his Weasley friend to a duel. I believe he just got back from telling Filch they'd be there. They're idiots, am I right? And you know they're going to go."

"Yeah, idiots."

I turn back to Buffy, whose rolled over on her back, allowing me to scratch her belly.

It's really is hilarious. I can't believe they actually fell for that. Well, it's not my problem. But it could be. Now that I think about it, if I went there and told them it's a trap, then I could earn their trust and hopefully we'd become friends again.

I decide. Trophy Room at Midnight. 

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