Chapter Fifteen

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Sorry for the long chapter.... 

The next week passes without much of anything. Nothing but studying and reviewing for the exams. There's homework upon homework, reviews upon more reviews. Then there's my own studying. With the exams being so close, I've been trying to relearn everything that has been taught to me over the past year. I really, really, really want top grades. And I guess if you want to be the best, you got to do the best you can do.

That is seriously every single detail I have done over the past month. Nothing but studying. And eating, sleeping, and going to class, but then studying. Again.

That's where you find me, trying to memorize bizarre and obscure potion ingredients. But, it's at 11:30, yes I'm staying up this late for school work, that I catch Malfoy getting out of bed. I stand up to stop him.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Are you still doing school work?" He asks in response.

"Yeah, I want to prove my brilliance. Answer the question."

He smirks a bit, "I'm going to get Potter and his friends in trouble."

I roll my eyes, "The only thing that'd happen is getting yourself in trouble."

"Alright then, if you're so smart, continue working." He sneers and starts walking towards the door.

"Wait." I sigh, "I'm coming with you."


I follow Malfoy to Professor Mcgonagall's office. He explained that Hagrid had apparently gotten a Dragon and the trio are planning to exchange him to Ron's brother at midnight tonight at the tallest tower.

I'm about to knock on her door, but Malfoy prevents me heading straight for the door knob, I shove his hand out of the way and knock. Mcgonagall slams the door open.

"What on earth are you two doing out of bed at 12!" She answers furiously.

"I would ask you the same question Professor, but-" Malfoy cuts me off.

"Potter and friends are bringing a dragon to the astronomy tower." He says

"If I had known earlier I would've told you, but I just now learned of this." I explain. Mcgonagall let's us into her office.

"And what would Harry Potter be doing with a dragon?"

"According to Malfoy's story, Hagrid had gotten one and they needed to give it away, so they're sending it with some of Weasley's brother's friends." I tell her."

"They're probably handing the dragon over right now." Malfoy claims.

Mcgonagall still looks to be furious, but calls Filch to go catch the trio in the act.

"You two! If Filch discovers that Harry Potter and his friends aren't at the tower and were never going to be at the tower, you will both be in big trouble."

We all wait patiently for Filch to return. It takes a long time, it already takes like 30 minutes to get to the tower, but then again this is Filch. He almost seems to teleport everywhere.

Maybe 40 minutes after midnight, Filch returns with Harry, Hermione, and Neville. I just remembered that Ron has been in the hospital for some time. The Gryffindors look terrified. I spot Malfoy smirking in the corner of my eye, and to be honest I start smirking too. It's hard not to.

Mcgonagall starts talking down to the three kids (and takes 50 points from each one of them throwing Slytherin in the lead for the house cup!)

"And detentions," she finishes, "For all five of you." That confuses me.

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