the start

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Jungkooks pov~

School is just down the street from my home so it don't take me long to arrive there, I am dreading today I mean I never had any friends in my old school because I was to ill and broken to even go there but I really wish I had someone with me, and I am to afraid to even make new friends. The cold air brushing against my bear cheeks causing me to shiver but my body is sweating because i'm so nervous and panicky i already want school to be over and i haven't even arrived there yet. i walk down my vast street making it seem like school was only 10cm away due to the fact i am having an anxiety attack, i reach the school gates dreading to go i put my head down and start walking towards the tall building staring down at me. I can feel eyes on me making my heart pound and the tears well up, i walk faster towards the doors not knowing or thinking to were i was going i stand still in my tracks looking around searching for the reception sign but it was nowhere to be seen. i start panic even more my face starts to tingle and my chest gets tight i don't know what to do.

"hey" i hear a faint voice coming from behind me my body jolts like a old computer and i face the direction to were the voice was coming from. To my surprise i see a orange hair boy with chubby cheeks looking at me, i just stare at him and give him a weary smile. "do you need help i can see that you're new i can take you to reception" he spoke. i gave him a nod and he took me to reception " th-thank you" i stutter "oh and my names jimin and yours ?" giving me a warm smile, "j-jungkook" i stutter again mentally hitting myself, he just smiled and took off.

The receptionist gave me my timetable and a tiny map of the school i thanked her and headed to my first class wich was history room 11, i was dreading it as i was 10 minutes late i walk in all the eyes staring at me and some girls gasping making my heart rate rise rapidly, i look around the room and i spot jimin the boy who i met earlier it put me on ease when i seen him my heart rate went down a fraction. "oh jungkook right the new student i'm miss kim please introduce yourself" she spoke sternley. " hi m-my name is jeon jungkook please take care of me" i spoke.i quickly put my head down and she told me to sit in an empty spot at the back of the class room, i heard people gasp but i just brushed it off and sat down still dreading the day ahead of me.

Is life always hard ~vkookWhere stories live. Discover now