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jungkooks pov~

Miss Kim gave me a textbook and I was just settling into the history lesson when... BANG the door flung open causing me along with the whole class jumping out of our skin, my head shot towards the door and there stood a boy with an annoyed look on his face. "KIM TAEHYUNG YOU'RE 30 MINUTES LATE" miss Kim screamed "I don't give a fuck to be honest with you miss" he said coldly. Miss Kim just shrugged it of and left him to it, wow he must be the school bully my mind told me i obviously had my eyes glued to him wich made him stare straight into my direction, i put my head down as soon as possible i heard footsteps come towards me this cant happen to me i close my eyes and pray for this to not be real i open them but it's real hes stood right infront of me. i keep my head down and tried to avoid it i start to panic my throat goes sore and i pray for the tears not to fall. "excuse me boy but did i give you fucking permission to sit on my desk" my heart stops i speak up " n-no i-i'm s-sorry" i stutter the tears are on the edge i get up from my seat but he pushes me back down and whispers in my ear "no stay i'd like someone to bully this lesson is boring" i'm so scared i just sit there and buriy my face into my hands and the tears start to fall my life is a mess.

taehyungs pov~

i arrive to the lesson i hate the most history... , i'm always late i barge in causing everyone to jump oh i find it so funny. after Miss Kim shouting at me i already wanted this lesson to be over. I feel eyes on me but i looked around and everyone looked like they was doing their work and paying attention, until i looked over into the direction of my desk where a pale boy with hazel hair was staring at me as if he was staring into my soul it gave me the chills it was obvious he was new, as soon as i looked at him he shot his head down cute i thought i mean i am a pretty boy after all. I walk over to him his head still down i tell him why is he on my desk i do not like sitting next to anyone at all, but he was different he rose up but i pushed him back down and whispered that i wanted to bully him in this lesson, he looked terrified of me wich i normally liked people thinking that but something about that kid made me feel sorry for him i just shrugged it of and sat next to him. I read his text book jeon jungkook was his name, i heard sniffles i look at him and i see he was crying but he was trying to hide it my heart shattered a little, but i ignored him and just dazed out the window until next lesson.

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