She Has A Girlfriend

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"Hypothermia. We need to get her out of the wet clothes and try to find some heating pads. When she wakes, we can try to get her to drink some warm tea or cocoa." Willow heard a male voice come from somewhere above her. Giles, she thought.

"Will she be okay?" Said an anxious female voice. Buffy? Tar- not Tara. It wasn't Buffy. Faith? Why would Faith be worried up about her?

"She'll be fine. It'll take a lot of rest but she will live. Minor head damage - no brain damage. We're lucky. Faith, you couldn't have thought of another way to stop her?"

"Listen G-Man, you weren't there. It was scary. I did what I had to do."

"But you- wait, I think she's awake. Willow?" Giles asked. Willow's eyelids fluttered and the light hurt her eyes. She felt the dark slayer's hand rest on top of hers. When their hands touched, a jolt of electricity went streaming through Willow's body. She could barely remember the last time she responded that much to a simple touch. Not since.. Not since Tara.

"It's okay Giles, I can take care of her."

"Faith, are you sure?"

"I've got it G-Man." Faith assured him. Willow felt Faith slowly begin to take Willow's clothes off. Willow's eyes slowly opened. "Whoa, uh, Red, didn't know, I mean, I thought you we-"



"I can undress myself." Willow smirked.

"Okay hypo girl. Go at it." Faith tried to hide a blush.

"Hypo girl?"



"Yeah?" .

"Could you turn?"


"I need to change."

"Oh. Right." Faith turned, blushing even harder. Willow shakily changed and then lay back down. As Faith turned back around she said, "I need to take your temp." She pulled out a thermometer which Willow dutifully put in her mouth. 82 F. "Whoa, you're way to cold Red." Faith grabbed some more blankets and piled them on top of the woman.

"I d-dont feel cold. Just kind of numb."

"That's not good. Do you think you could drink some warm tea?" Willow nodded shakily. "Okay, I'll also grab some heating pads."



"Why are you being nice to me?"


"I always thought you hated me in high school."

"I did. I hated.. I hated the way you made me feel." Faith turned away, her eyes cold.

"What do you mean? Faith?"

Faith had gone. When she came back she didn't say a single word. She handed Williw the tea and heating pads and then retreated to the basement where she threw darts as hard as she could. One actually went through the dart board and hit the beam in the wall.


"Not in the mood for chit chat B."

"I'm not Buffy." Dawn Summers stood in the doorway.

"Oh hey Junior." Faith sent another set flying.

"You've been taking care of Willow." Dawn crossed her arms.




"Why are you taking care of her instead of Buffy or Xander or Giles? You barely know her and last time you guys met, you almost killed everyone." Dawn glared.

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