The [Im]Perfection Dare 2- To be a Pilgrim

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I did this challenge a while back,  as many of you know, and I've thought ever since that I should try it again. Between outward stresses and the Kernewk daily, I haven't been writing... Well, at all recently. So I'm writing this again to take a step back, and look at myself as a Christian, and look a bit deeper into my faith. 

If you have a hatred of Christians, and you're just here to bash me, go home already. 

"You can say whatever you like about my faith, as long as I can say anything I like about your lack of it."

10 Second Sermons.

But if you too are religious, or you just don't know, come along with me. What's the worst that can happen? Let's walk together, eh?

You should know that I'm not the kind of person to shout my religion from the clifftops, and force it down everyone's throats. Don't take me as one of those. I'm the kind that follows God where he'll take me, and not question it. It's His decision, after all.

I'll probably vary how often I update. It may be 2 a day, 2 a week, or maybe 1 every 2 weeks- it depends how the blood flows, eh? And how much time I have- I really don't want to rush and make a hash of this!!

Dreckly doodles,

Z xx

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