A Simple Item that triggers a Memory

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It was to be her last day on Earth. At the age of 68, Susan knew that she had reached the end of her time on Earth, and accepted that much.

But Diana, her daughter, hadn't.

The doctors had called her in, and met her outside Susan's room, where they told her, in hushed whispers, that Susan's time was nearly up. Tears trickled down Diana's face, as she stepped into the cool, white room, where her mother's frail form lay.

"Hush now, Dee- don't cry."

"How can I not? I can't lose you too!!"

Susan took her daughter in her arms, and let her cry. Diana was all she had left, and she'd protect her until her last breath left her.

"But you'll soon have a new soul to heal your heart, won't you love? A little child, for you to call your own. Just like you were to me."

"How did you-"

"Mothers know everything, love."

"But what will I tell them when they ask where their grandma is? I can't explain that away!!"

"You'll tell her that I've gone to a better place, where all is peace and love, and no-one knows of sorrow. And when she's old enough to understand, give her this."

In her frail old hands lay her cross. But it was not any old cross. As the cool metal lay in her hands, Susan clutched it tightly for the last time, as its history flooded back.


She was 26, and very much in love. In fact, it was only a week or so until her wedding day, and today, she was to be confirmed. To renew her vows made for her at her baptism, and become a full member of the Church. She remembered Tim's face, as he looked her in the eye when her Confirmation candle glowed with light for the very first time.

"Shine as a Light in the World,

And walk in this light all the days of your life"

And after the service, Tim squirrelled her away to a quiet spot in the gardens, where he gave her his gift. She had had many a Bible given to her, and a number of Psalters also, but Tim's gift was something else.

A silver cross hanging on a delicate chain, that matched her pale skin to perfection. But what made it special was the Amber stone within its centre. When held up to the light, it cast its own light upon her.

"Walk in this Light all the days of your life." He'd said, as he fastened the chain behind her. And so she did.

She would never be parted from the cross. Not in the place of a far more ornate necklace, or more expensive looking jewellery, or even to match her other jewellery. That cross was staying with her. As she exchanged the vows on her wedding day, it caught the light, and shone around for all to see. At Diana's baptism, it glowed with a warmth unlike any other.

And at Tim's funeral, it dimmed down to match her mood, but still harboured its light.

For Christ's light never dies, she told herself.

For 40 years, that necklace had been around her neck, and Diana gasped  to see it away from her mother.

"I can't take your cross!!" She cried.

"Yes you can. For you do not only take a trinket, but you take up the cross, and receive the light of Christ. Do not turn away from Him, for I will not be gone. Just high above, watching you all the days of your life. Take it, and give it to your daughter."

"How do you know it'll be a daughter?"

"Mothers intuition."


"Take it, Dee, and guard it well."

Diana place her hand over her mother's, clasping the cross between them. Susan's breathing was becoming more rapid, and it was obvious the end was nigh.

"I love you, Dee. Don't you forget that."

"And I love you too, mam. Always, and forever."

"I can see him, Dee. I can see your da. He's calling me into the light. I can see the hand of God too. I see them, Dee. I see the light. Walk in this light all the days of your life."

And with that, she was gone.

Diana kept the cross, safe and sound, and 8 months later, a little girl danced her way into her life. Little Lilly looked exactly like her mam, and her grandma too. She knew her Grandma was in a better place now- a wonderful place called Heaven, with the greatest of all, the Father.

And when she came to be confirmed, Diana fastened the necklace around Lilly's neck, reciting the age-old words.

Shine as a light in the world,

And walk in this light all the days of your life."

And far above them, in the place where no hurt is found, Susan smiled as she watched from above, her head on Tim's shoulder, and held safe and secure in the hand of God.

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