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calum was the only one awake, luke was asleep in his arms, his cheeks still red from crying.

fat. how could anyone think someone as beautiful as the boy in his arms is fat?

calum loved luke, and when he heard what had happened, he instantly felt the rage burning in the pit of his stomach, but he wasn't gonna let luke see that. it would make him more upset.

calum watched as the pale boy slept in his arms. he'd moved up to luke's room when luke had said he was sleepy and laid down with him.

he looked at the time on his phone and rubbed his face.

4:56 am

he groaned and closed his eyes, deciding he was far too tired to drive himself home.

he repositioned himself underneath the blanket after dicarding his t-shirt and pulling his shoes and socks off, holding luke's small body against his larger one, smiling at luke's incoherent mumbling. calum kissed his nose and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep with luke's head resting on his shoulder.

it was dark, the headlights weren't turning on either, the streetlights weren't glowing their usual eery glow, the small, blonde boy was in the passenger seat, calum was driving and it was difficult for him to see anything at all. luke looked over at him. "j-just pull over cally, we can sleep for the night and be on our way in the morning when it's light." the small boy spoke. "i want you to see it tonight." calum told him, biting his lip. luke whined and gripped calum's arm. "please.." he whispered, staring at him with fright in his eyes. suddenly, there was a loud crash and the sound of bending metal. calum threw his hands out to grab luke, but it was too late, he had already been through the window and was laying on the pavement, the impact causing the older boy to become unconscious.

calum jumped awake and sat up, breathing heavily. luke let out a whine and rubbed his eyes. "c-cally?" he asked softly, sitting up. "cally, what's wrong." he questioned, leaning against him sleepily. calum looked at him and hugged him tightly. "y-you're okay.. it felt so r-real.." he whispered, closing his eyes.

luke frowned and hugged him back. "what happened?" he asked softly. calum looked at him and pressed his forehead to the snake boy's.

"i-i love you, luke." he blurted, gazing into his icy blue eyes. luke felt a blush creep on to his pale cheeks, butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"i love you, too, cally." he whispered, putting his hands on calum's cheeks. calum let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. "you don't even know how long I've been waiting to hear that." he whispered. luke giggled and gazed at him. "you're such a hopeless romantic, you're fucking cute." he told him, smiling widely.

calum chuckled and laid down, pulling luke closer.

he didn't know what he was feeling, he was still nervous, but he was also over-joyed to know that luke felt the same.

luke cuddled into his side and gazed at the lilac drapes, moving with the breeze from outside.

luke stood up and stretched, grabbing calum's discarded shirt and pulling it over his head before walking downstairs to make coffee. he hummed a tune as he swayed his hips a bit, grabbing two spoons and two coffee mugs, as well as the honey.

he filled both spoons with honey and set them in the bottom of the mugs before pouring hot coffee over them and adding cream and sugar. he made his way back upstairs and smiled softly, heading to the bay window before sitting down and opening the curtains. calum smiled and stood up, walking to the smaller boy and sitting down next to him, taking one of the mugs. "you're so sweet." he murmured, kissing his temple gently before gazing out of the window. he smiled softly. "i've never watched such a beautiful sunrise with such a beautiful person." he murmured, biting his lip as he sipped from his mug, the compliment making luke blush. he leaned up to kiss calum's cheek and smiled softly, putting his head on his shoulder before watching the sun move slowly until it broke the horizon, purples and reds filling the sky. luke smiled and sighed happily, leaning against calum as he blinked slowly.


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