Chapter 3: The Others

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Chapter 3: The Others

The smell of the dragons got closer and strong. I started to think I was going more and more crazy, until I heard Lucy say, "Oh, hey Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel." I looked over three people standing there, staring at me. None of us said anything, just stared at the others. The rest of the guild notices and stopped talking, looking at us curiously.

We stared at each other for a few minutes before I finally said something. "You guys smell like dragons." I said, my voice was too cold, even to my own ears.

"Yeah, so?" the tall guy snapped. He had long black hair and black eyes. I saw a lot of metal piercings in his face. If I was to make a guess by the metal piercings, he might be a Metal Dragon Slayer, or something close to that. He was shooting dagger at me with his eyes.

I look at the little girl next to him. She had long blue hair and brown eyes. She looked really uncomfortable being here, but stayed anyway. I was guessing she was 'Wendy' as Lucy referred too.

"Yeah, so do you." the other guy said. He had spiky, pink hair and black eyes. He had a weird white scarf around his neck. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest as he looked at me.

I heard a lot of gasps coming from the other guild members. "Another one." one said.

"Our guild is getting stronger." another said.

"Amazing." someone remarked.

"What kind is she?" someone asked. I ignored the rest of their whispers and concentrated on the people in front of me.

"Yeah, what of it?" I asked, tipping my head up some. The tall guy growled at me and I looked at him and smiled. "What? Are you upset that you might get upstaged by a girl or has she already beaten me to it?" I pointed at Wendy as I asked him. He lunged at me, but the guy with pink hair grabbed him and held him back. I raised an eyebrow at the guy with pink hair.

"Shut up! You could never upstage me." he snapped at me.

"Really, Metal Head? What are you going to do? Blow some chunks of metal at me?" I asked him, smirking. I know my personality has done a complete 180 since when I arrived, but I already feel comfortable here and now I'm not afraid to show who I am.

A black cat with a scar over his eye flew at me head, ready to attack me. "Leave Gajeel alone." he said. I smiled and instantly grabbed the cat. I started to pet him in all the right places. He struggled at first, but soon surrendered to me.

"Lily!" the metal guy yelled, sounding hurt. I guess he was Gajeel, so the other male must be Natsu.

"I'm sorry, Gajeel." the cat, Lily, said. He turned in my arms to give me better access. "This feels too good to resist. I tried to, but I failed." Lily started to purr in my arms and this infuriated Gajeel.

"That's it!" Gajeel yelled, breaking free from Natsu's grip. He charged at me, but before he reached me, Leia grabbed me and pulled me up into the air. I still held onto Lily and kept petting him.

Gajeel ran face first in the counter where I was sitting and flipped behind it. He jumped up and pointed up at me. "Stop doing that to Lily!" he bellowed at me. I just smiled at him.

"Are you jealous that he likes me better that you?" I asked him. Leia knew Gajeel was going to come at me again, so she bolted out the door with Lily and I. Gajeel, Wendy, Natsu and the other guild members came running out after us. Leia kept me up to a point where it would be hard for Gajeel to reach me without Lily. I made sure to keep petting Lily.

"Get down here and fight me!" Gajeel yelled, throwing a hissy-fit below us.

"Love to, but Leia won't let me fight!" I yelled back, smiling. Out the corner of my eye, I seen fire come flying at me. I quickly evaded it, but I lost my grip on Lily when I did so. Lucky, after I let go of Lily, he grew his wings and flew on his own. I looked at the source of the fire and seen Natsu with a blue cat holding him up.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled at the boy, confirming my suspicion on his name. He was looking at me and smiling. Above me, I heard Leia sigh. She really didn't like me fighting. In fact, she hated violence period. She is the type of person that would rather talk things out rather then fight.

"I guess we have no choice but to fight now." she said. I smiled. Unlike her, I loved to fight and I was really excited now. I laughed and glared at Natsu, ready to fight him.

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