Chapter 5: Doubles

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Chapter 5: The Doubles


"Come on, Kira. Control your breathing." Midnight said. "Control your breathing and just focus on your surroundings. Listen to them and try to match their wavelength." I did as Midnight instructed me to do.

I felt a slight breeze from the North, barely brushing past me. I could feel the grass and dirt between my naked toes and under my feet. I can hear the water moving slowly over the rocks in the nearby river. I can feel the sunlight hitting my back and all the shadows it creates in front of me. And then, I felt it.

"It's going to hurt when you first do it, but it'll get easier and easier the more you do it." he said, quietly. "I promise." I bit my lip and clenched my little hands into tight fists as the pain hit me in waves. It felt like I was ripping my body in half as I did this. The first one I was able to push out was my Earth double.

I was about to open my eyes to look at my double, but Midnight stopped me. "Don't!" he yelled quickly. I jumped, but kept my eyes closed. "You need to do it again and again until you finally get them all out."

I sighed, but did as I was told. One by one, scream by scream, I was able to push out all my doubles. I had dropped to the ground after pushing out the third one, but some how I was still consious.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked. It was smiliar to my voice, but there was a slight difference. I slowly opened my eyes and peered up at two of my doubles. The one crouched in front of me had long blonde hair, and bright gold eyes. Her skin gave off the same goldenish glow. The one who stood next to her looked at me curiously. She had brown skin, white hair with a little blue mixed in here and there and clear eyes that seemed to glow some.

"What are you?" I asked, my voice dead of emotion. I realized, not only was my voice dead of emotion, so my body. I didn't feel anything; pain, happiness, curiosity, etc.

The girl with the golden aura smiled at me and stuck out her hand. I just looked at it. "I'm the Light Dragon Slayer." she said. I watched her for a minute and she didn't seem disturbed by me.

"Zia." I said. "Your name is Zia." I looked up at the white hair girl. "You?"

"I am the Wind Dragon Slayer." she said, quietly, stepping behind Zia.

"Aire." I said, without hesitation. I stood up and looked around. I saw three girl grouped together and one of them looked to be in charge of them. I walked over to them and they all looked at me. "What are you three?"

"Earth Dragon Slayer." the first girl said. She had long light brown hair and green eyes. I saw she was making a flower crown as the other one yelled at her.

"Fire." the next girl said, lighting her hand on fire and watching the flames lick the air. She was the one yelling at them and trying to get them to do something. She had long red hair and red eyes.

"I am the Celestial Dragon Slayer." the last one said. I looked at her and saw she was prayer, to who I wasn't sure, but she was. She had long black hair and when she looked at me, I saw the galaxy in her eyes.

"Ashe." I said, pointing to the red head. "Clover." I pointed to the brunette. "And Celeste." I pointed to the praying girl. I looked around and saw two people at the river, so I walked over to them next. I saw they were arguing. Well, more like one was yelling at the other.

"Stop freezing my river!" she yelled. "The river is free flowing and shouldn't be stopped." She reached out and caressed the water's surface like it was her own child. She had long, blue hair and bright blue eyes.

"Whatever." the other one said. She had no expression on her face and gave off a really cold vibe. She had long white hair and light blue eyes. Around her legs were ice. I could already tell who was what just by looking at them.

"Ocean and Snow." I said to them, pointing to them. They looked at me confused, but I was looking around for my last double. I started to walk around the small grassy area and saw her sitting under a tree, shrouded in darkness. I walked over to her and she jumped and looked all around, looking nervous and scared.

She was the last one, so I knew she was the Shadow Dragon Slayer. I stuck my hand out to her and she stared at it. She hesitated for a moment, but grabbed my hand. I pulled her and looked down at her. "Ebony."

"What?" she asked.

"Your name is Ebony." I said. I turned around and saw all of my doubles grouped up now, most of them were confused. I pulled Ebony towards them and she sat down at the back of them while I walked in front of the ground. "Everyone sit down."

I heard some grumbles, but everyone sat down like I asked. "Alright, everyone, my name is Kira and I have given you all names, so do try to remember them for future reference." I said. They all looked at me and most of them realized why I said only a word to them and nothing else. "You are all apart of me, but you are different. Each one of you are different from the next double, and you each have your own separate powers."

"You mean your powers." Ashe hissed at me and I shook my head.

"No, I meant what I said." I said. "You are all apart of me, but different from the next. You each have a different ability, and without you, what do I become?"

"Okay, Kira." Midnight said behind me. I looked back at him. "Now, you must recombine with your doubles." I nod and touch each one of my doubles. They were all willing to do so, and I felt emotions flood my system and pain reaching to every part of my body. It hurt just as bad as taking them out.

After I was finally able to pull all of myself back together, I dropped to the ground, tears spilling over my eyes. I looked up at Midnight and saw him smiling sadly at me. "Well, at least we know you will never be alone." he said. That was the last thing I caught before passing out due to the pain.

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