Chapter 8: Melt Down on the First Day

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Chapter 8: Meltdown on the First Day

It's been a few days since I joined Fairy Tail, and I love it. Natsu has been stealing my bed, so I typically push him out of bed, only to have him reclimb in. Right now, I was chilling in the bath, soaking. I haven't been on a job yet, but I wanted to do one soon. It just seemed like so much fun. Lucy has told me all about her jobs she has been on in the past and it got me really excited.

She also told me about Tenrou island and what happened on it while she was there. I really wanted to go to Tenrou Island now. I clenched my fist, excited. I'm going to make S-Class.

I got out of the back and was about to wrap my towel around me, when the door opened up. "Lucy..." Natsu started. He noticed my nakedness and went scarlett instantly. My entire body erupted into flames and Natsu took off running. I quickly wrapped the towel around my body and chased after him. I was so mad, I didn't realize where I chased him too.

Natsu ended up running all the way back to the guild hall. He ran inside and hid behind Gajeel and Wendy. I walked into the guild slowly, the ground was shaking beneath my feet. But, it wasn't just beneath mine, it was doing it under everyone's. I could see people rocking out of my peripheral vision, but my attention was on Natsu.

"What did you do to her, Natsu?!" Wakaba yelled at him.

"It was an accident!" he yelled to me, but that made me even more mad.

"I don't care if you think it was an accident or not." I hissed at him, steam coming out of my mouth. "YOU DON'T WALK INTO A BATHROOM LIKE THAT WITHOUT KNOCKING!" As I screamed this, I punched him into the ground. I beat him up for a couple of minutes and Leia flew into the guild with a pair of clothes for me.

I grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom here. I got dressed in the black cropped tank top and dark blue jeans she brought with her. I slid on my boots and walked out and sat at the table we normally sat at. Gray, Gajeel and Lucy all came and sat at the table with me.

"What did Natsu do to make you so angry? He normally sleeps in the same bed as you, and you act so cool about it." Lucy asked. I glared at her, and she shrunk back. I sighed and frowned at the table.

"I just finished taking a bath and he walked in before I could get my towel on." I said and Gajeel burst out laughing.

"That's it?!" he yelled, still roaring with laughter. I glared at him, smashed his head against the table and threw him in the same hole as Natsu.

"Perverts belong over there." I growled at him and people moved away from me, obviously scared.


I put my hands on my hips and stared at the board. I wanted to go do something with a lot of action and that wasn't easy. I wanted to take a challenge request. I looked around the board and seen a monster job was pinned up. I quickly grabbed the paper and bring it to Mira.

"I would like to take this job." I said, smiling. I set the paper on the table and she picked it up.

"Really? Who are you taking with you?" she asked me, smiling.

"Leia." I answered. Natsu came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder. He was no longer scared of me because I had calmed down and don't want to kill him right this second.

"I'm coming too." Natsu said, smiling. Happy flew up next to him.

"Aye!" he yelled. Gajeel, Wendy, Lily and Carla walked over and looked at the flyer.

"I wanna come too." Wendy said.

"Yeah, this'll be fun." Gajeel agreed.

"So, all the Dragon Slayers are going to defeat one monster?" Mira asked, smiling.

"Oh, no." Master Makarov said, shaking his head. "Four Dragon Slayers are NOT going. You'll just make a mess of the city and the council will be down my throat about it."

"I wasn't planning on helping this little twerp, I just wanna see the extent of her powers." Gajeel said and I frowned at him.

"See, this is why you don't have a girlfriend." I said and he glared down at me.

"Yeah." Natsu agreed with Gajeel.

"I'm curious too." Wendy said, smiling. Master sighed, knowing they were going to follow me even if he said no.

"Fine, but don't destroy a town." he said.

"Actually, it's in a valley, not a town." Mira said and Master started crying.


"No trains." Natsu said. We were currently standing outside the train station, waiting to get on.

"I agree with flame brain here, for once. No trains." Gajeel said.

"Why? Are you afraid of getting motion sickness?" I asked them, slyly. I smiled at them before pushing them on the train. As soon as the train started moving, Natsu and Gajeel both stuck their heads out the train's window. I laughed and Wendy looked at me confused.

"Why are you fine?" she asked me. I tilted my head and smiled at her.

"Why are you?" I asked. She thought about it for a moment before nodding her head, realizing the answer.

"Wendy," Natsu said, still barfing outside the train. "Can you cast Troia on me? Please." Wendy shook her head, sadly.

"I can't. You have become immune to it." she said.

"What about you, Kira? Can you do it?" Natsu asked me. He turned towards me for a split second before going out the window to barf again.

"I can try." I said. Natsu jumped in my lap and put his head down. "I have never cast this before, but hey, I'll try it." I mean I learned how too, but I never done it myself. I put my hands on either side of his head and concentrated. On my first try, I succeeded. Natsu jumped up, spitting fire, and started to jump around. He turned to me and smacked my back.

"Thanks, buddy." he said, smiling.

"Me next?" Gajeel asked, weakly. I sighed, but nodded. He came over and laid his head on my lap like Natsu did. I repeated the process and he was back to his normal, obnoxious self. "Thanks." Gajeel just sat in his seat and stared out the window.

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