Chapter 11: New Guy

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Chapter 11: The New Guy

Mystery Guy POV

"Things are changing." I said. The wind was blowing around me, throwing leaves around like they were nothing. I was crouched on a rock and the moon was shining brightly above me. "The shadows are singing a different song." I stand up and stretch out my back. I push my arms up above my head and stayed like that for a moment.

"If only you were here... My darling Kira." I said. I jumped off the rock and started walking towards Magnolia. I smiled as the leaves darkened all around me and the grass died beneath my feet.

Soon, we will meet. So very soon. I can't wait to feel you in my arms again.

Kira's POV

During the train ride home, I had gotten close with the little girl. I found out her name was Mai and she was eight years old. She was a traveling wizard until her family stopped at Star Valley to get some supplies and stay the night. They got caught up in their problem and paid the price.

She had the ability of requip and mostly had swords and daggers. I'm sure I could get Erza to train her when we get back, since she wasn't that skilled since she was so young and only got it a few months before her parents died.

We were almost to Magnolia and I was happy. Natsu and Gajeel were barfing out the window, since I wasn't interested in helping them out, and Wendy was sleeping with Carla. Mai was sitting on my lap, swinging her legs back and forth, humming a song. I wasn't sure what it was called, but it was nice.

We were almost at our stop, so I nudged Wendy awake with my foot. I poked Leia's face and she yawned before climbing on my shoulder. "Are we home yet?" she asked me. I laughed and rubbed her cheek. She purred and leaned into my finger.

"Almost." I said and Wendy finally woke up. She stretched in her seat and ended up waking Carla up too.

"Magnolia Station." the conductor said over the intercom. When the train finally stopped, the two boys finally came back to life. They were practically jumping out the window in order to escape the train. When we got onto the boardwalk, I seen Lucy standing there, waiting for us.

Once she seen us, she ran over and hugged me. I had Mai on my back, Leia was laying on my head, Mai's and my bad were in each hand, so it was really complicated to move to hug her back. She pulled back and hugged the others.

"Oh my God, I was so worried about you. Knowing Natsu, he probably destroyed half the town, if not all of it." Lucy said, seriously.

"Hey!" Natsu yelled, offended. I laughed and so did the others.

"Actually, he didn't destroyed anything." I said and Lucy looked at me, surprised, so I explained. "I froze and put him in a magically barrier to stop him from trying to help me. So, he couldn't destroy anything while I was there." Mai peeked at Lucy and she finally noticed her.

"Hey, who's the little girl?" she asked, smiling at Mai.

"This is Mai." I said. "She has nowhere to go, because she became an orphan, so I was thinking she could stay with us for the time being. I mean, if you're not okay with it, I can get my own place." I was hoping Lucy would agree, but I was still planning on getting my own place, so I wouldn't be a burden on Lucy.

"Yeah, no, it's okay for her to stay with us." Lucy said, smiling. I smiled and nodded. Lucy grabbed my bag and we left the station.

Mystery Guy's POV

I walked into town and a lot of people stared at me as I walked by. Women ogled me and men pulled their daughters and wives closer to them, and away from me. Disgusting. It's not like I would want any of you, so don't look at me. That's right. All I want, all I would ever want, was Kira. No matter what I done, Kira wouldn't leave my mind. Ever since the night she left me, I've been searching high and low for her.

All of my lead had led to dead ends, but I never gave up. It was recently that I heard she was heading this way, so I ran all the way here. I walked up the hill to the guild called Fairy Tail. Before I entered the city, I pulled in almost all of my magically ability and disguised my scent so she wouldn't recognize me and run before I could see her.

I pushed the doors open and looked inside the place. Everywhere I looked, I saw a lot of old men and a bunch of people drinking and laughing. It reeked of alcohol, so much that my nose scrunched up. I don't know why Kira decided to join this place. I walked over to the bar counter and a woman with long white hair greeted me.

"I would like to speak to the master of this guild." I said, calmly.

"Master, there's someone here to see you." she said to a small, old man. The woman's voice was annoyingly high-pitch, so much that I wanted to cut out her vocal cords to stop her from talking ever again. I looked at the old man she called 'Master' and I saw he was sitting on the counter, a beer mug in his hand.

He glanced up at me, frowning. "What do you want? You don't look like you're from the Magic Council." he slurred. He raised the mug to his lips and took a drink from it.

"I'm not from the Council." I said and he looked at me again. "I'm here to join your guild." I didn't really want to join this guild, but since Kira was here, I was willing to go the extra mile to secure my chance to find her. He lowered his mug and just stared at me for a moment.

"Why do you want to join Fairy Tail?" he asked me, seriously.

"Someone I care about deeply is apart of this guild, so I want to get closer to them." I said, honestly. The old man raised an eyebrow at me and smiled.

"What's their name?" he asked me, waving to the woman with white hair. She walked away from us and I just looked at the old man.

"Kira." I said, smiling, remembering my little angel's face. "Her name is Kira Violet." The woman came back to us with a stamp in her hand. The old man nodded to me, like he knew who Kira was. I didn't like that. I didn't want anyone else seeing my lovely Goddess. I wanted to kill this man and everyone here for even knowing about her, but if I did that, Kira would bolt before getting here, so I didn't.

"What is you name, my boy?" he asked me. I smirked at him.

"Shade. My name is Shade." I said. I lifted up my shirt and the woman stamped my chest. I looked down at their emblem and saw it was pure black and it looked like veins were crawling all over it. I smiled at it, liking how it looked. I may keep it after all.

Thank you for reading my story! I'm not sure about the actual process of getting into a guild, but I think it's something like this. I hope it's right, but if not, oh well.

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