Keith Moonage Daydream

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Today @ 9:16

If you tell Page anything I'm about to tell you, I'll kill you.

Speak, child, for I am listening.

Keith, you're so weird

That's why I'm your confiadanyt

Pete, fuck off

How'd you know it was me?

Uh, the misspelling and correction?

Keith mispells things
And corrects them

Not that badly, he doesn't.

Can't you tell me what's worng?

I don't really want to.


I'm sorry, Pete. It's between me and Keith.
Give him his phone back

Okay fine

Thank you.

Sorry about that. I got the first thing in and he took it.

It's fine.

So seriously.
What's the matter?

Just something someone told me.



I was at the football game Friday night, you know?

And I say something like "I don't know why people seem to dislike me."


And this guy I have a crush on goes:
"You like old things. You're not mainstream enough. That's why people don't like you."


Yeah. The sucky thing is, I was talking to someone else and this other guy told me to be more social and then I said I try but people turn me away and I don't know why and then the guy I like said that and it's just been eating at me.

I say if someone said something like that to you, don't talk to them.
Don't crush on him.
Ignore him.

I can't though.

Why not?

I've liked him since first grade.

It's killing you what he said so fuck those feelings.
They don't matter.

I can't not like him.

To hell you can't.
You dislike the other guys in your class.

Not really.
Only two of them.

You're a hopeless romantic.
You dream up these stupid fantasies and hope that they'll come true.
They never will.
Just give up those dreams, Shae. You can't make them happen.

I know I can't.

Then why is this so hard to see and do?!

Because I just can't, okay?
I can't explain it, I just fucking can't.

Then find someone else to talk to.
I don't feel right having you rant to me and then not accept my help.

I'm tired of being the person people don't like.

Too bad.
Right now, you're on my shit list.

Not like I care.

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