Mystic Morri

62 8 0

Today @ 21:49

Can't believe I'm doing this...


Hi, Jim...

Keith sent you?


I didn't think he'd actually do it.
This is wonderful!
You need to talk, correct?


But you're unable to.


Well, it's all quite simple.
Move on past this girl.
Tell your crush you like him.
To hell with the opposition.
You should have a chance to be happy, too.

It's easier said than done.

I realize that.

How do I go about actually tackling these issues?

Let time heal and help you move on.
Gather your courage, write a note, put a bug in someone's ear, tell him in person.
Whatever must be done to let this boy know.
You've liked him for a while, right?

Since I was seven, yeah.

For ten years?

Give or take.

That's a long time to like a person.

I know.

And this other girl that likes him?


How long has she liked him?

Um... Since her freshman year? Sophomore, maybe.

You have rights to him.
Therefore, tell him.

She's a senior and I'm half certain she's out to kill me as is.

She's also going to be graduating at sixteen.
And not because she's intelligent.
Oh, no.
You are.
You are far more intellectual than most of the educators at your school.

Not really.
My lowest grade is a 94% out of 100%...

And this other girl needs to copy her homework from someone else.
And from what I've hear, she smokes and drinks all day, every day.

Well, yeah. I guess.

Again, you are a good person.
Good grades.
Good habits.
Good health.
Good looks.
Good personality.
Good everything.

Uh, actually...
Self-harm, not good habit.
Coughing fits and sniffles, not good health.
Frizzy hair and poor skin quality, not good looks.
Bitch to everyone, not good personality.
Not good everything.

Compared to this girl, you are good everything.
She has poor grades.
She has poor habits, smoking, drinking, cheating.
She has poor looks, slumps and has pasty skin.
She is actually a bitch to everyone that isn't this boy.
Therefore, you are the superior one.


Stop what, may I ask?

Being correct.
Or ever slightly correct.

I know these things, Shae.
I understand on some level or another.
I know how difficult it is.
You will write a note to this boy right now.
You will get over your friendship issues with this other person and time will heal it.
You will go on to do great things.



You're too logical for me right now.

How so?

"The Logical Song" is playing on the radio.
That's all the logic I need right now.

Oh, sure.
Just try what I said and you'll be fine, okay?

I mean okay.

I knew what you meant.
Hopefully things go well between you and this boy and you and this girl.
I wish you luck.

Thanks, Jim.
I didn't believe Keith when he said you were therapeutic, but you are.

I know I am.

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