Chapter 6

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Snap out of it Malia.

I slowly move my face forward and just as our lips were about to touch I change direction and move towards his ear. "If you'd asked me out, I might have said yes but I guess now, you'll never find out."

I back out and release the breath I was holding and head to the counter to collect our ice creams. He was still frozen in his spot.

"If you don't get moving soon, your ice cream will melt." I say as I walk past him, swaying my hips a little.

He pulls me to him, my back against his chest. He bends down and whispers in my ear, "Someday I will and I know that your answer will be positive."

"H-How can you be so sure?"

"You're holding you're breath and you wouldn't be stammering if I didn't have an effect on you." He says lowering his voice an octave, making my breath hitch in the process.

"Are we interrupting something?"

We jump apart and I quickly deny coinciding with his denial.

"Doesn't seem like it." Kiara smirks and looks at the two of us. Shane had this look that said, we need to talk.

I grab my ice cream of the counter. Sighing I turn to Ashton and say, "Maybe, it was because you were invading my personal bubble. Have you heard of those things?" With that I make a dramatic turn, but my right leg hooks the leg of the table and and I fall gracefully to the floor. My ice cream soaring through the air and finding nest in Kiara's hair. Oops.

"Malia, you're dead meat." Oh blistering barnacles.

"Mel, run." Shane shouts, I quickly storm out the parlour. Luckily I spot a park right next to the ice cream parlour. I quickly make a dash for it and hide under the slide.

I see Kiara running past the park straight ahead. A while later, she walks back into the ice cream parlour. I guess, no, I hope she's calmed down. I slowly make my way to the parlour and Shane smiles at me motioning for me to come sit next to him. That's my green signal.

"Why'd you run off like that?" Ashton asks.

"Let me warn you, you never-"


"Mess with-"

"Kiara's hair." I love how me and Shane always manage to compete each other's sentences, but this has been practiced to perfection over the last couple of years. Because we have to keep warning people.

Kiara slowly ventures out of the washroom, her hair slightly wet, but clean nevertheless. She glares at me for a second before sitting down.

Shane then places a splish splash and cotton candy ice cream in front of me. "See why you need me around?"

"What are you talking about, this is the only reason I keep you around." I smirk.

"Ouch, that hurt." He says as he puts both his hands on his heart feigning hurt.

"Awww, I love you." I say as I kiss him on the cheek.

"I love you too Mel." He says as he kisses me back, on my cheek.

"So you're Mel, huh? I'm Martin, from Griffin High." A guy who passed by our table questions.

"It's Malia and it's nice to meet you."

"That's a lovely name, so you know it comes from Milaya meaning my pretty one in Russian?"

"Okay walking encyclopedia, you can go back to your friends." Shane growls.

"Yeah, you do that." Ashton says in a dangerously low tone.

This was not good. I look to Kiara for help and she quickly nods and extends her hand, "I'm Kiara."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Martin smiles at her. "So Mel, there's this party on Friday night at my friend's house, would you like to come with me?"

"Uh oh." Kiara squeaks.

"No one, calls her Mel but me. Now back off she isn't interested." Shane growls.

"Sorry dude. I didn't know she was taken."

"She isn't, now back off."

Martin raises his hands and slowly backs off and then sprints back to his table. I take a hold of Shane's hand and squeeze it, he visibly calms down. I look across the table to see Ashton's fists clenched. I reach across for it and give it a slight squeeze. He looks up to me and smiles reassuringly. They might have relaxed but, the mood was still thick with tension. I hate tense atmospheres. I pick up my ice cream and start enjoying the delicious taste, making my taste buds come alive. Successfully ignoring the tension.

"So, are we going to get the scoop on what me and Shane witnessed when we walked in?" Way to go Kiara, I'd rather have the tensed mood than answer that question.

"I think we should get going now." I say as I slowly drag out my chair and stand up.

"Mel and Ash sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Shane sings.

"What are you five?" I ask as I move my hair in front to cover my rising blush.

"I hang out with one, I have to resort to extreme measures to get her to understand."

"Well what happened to the mature adult who takes care of me?"

"He vanished, poof, bippety boppety boo. But he'll be back soon."

"Idiot." He smiles his 32 watt smile. He's such a goofball. I smile back at him and ruffle his hair.

And just like that everything was back to normal and I successfully avoided the dreaded question, but I know it isn't long before I get bombarded with questions. How I wish they had selective amnesia and both of them forget about it.

Kiara's hair was completely dry now and it looked like sticks hanging down from her head, there were a couple strands standing up. I look up to see if anyone else had noticed, as I tried to hold in my laughter. I find both Ash and Shane looking like their about to choke. One look at them got me laughing, pretty soon the three of us were laughing our hearts out. Kiara just looked at us like we were lunatics. Which we most certainly are.

Tell me what you think of the chapter. Hope you liked it. And which is you favorite couple?
Ashton and Malia
Shane and Malia
Martin and Malia
I never did plan on bringing Martin back into the story but I'm only human, I can totally change my mind. She might even end up with him.

And I am so happy seeing more people adding my story to their reading list, voting for it and commenting. You have no idea how grateful I am to everyone who's supporting me and I'm super duper extraordinarily happy. Skittles and gummy bears for all!

BTW, I'm very serious about the happy thing cause when I saw the notifications I started jumping up and down and almost destructing my friend's leg, but happy nevertheless. Thank you thank you thank you so much and I love you guys. <3

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