Chapter 10

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"Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask Ash.

"Oh, nothing I felt like having ice cream. So, here I am." He smiles. He's got a really nice smile.

Snap! "Huh, what?" I say, reacting to Ashton snapping his fingers.

"You didn't hear any of that did you?" He questions.

"Hear what? You told me you felt like having ice cream, I heard that." I say, defending myself. Ari starts to squirm on my lap and tug at my hair, trying to get my attention. "What is it hon?"

"I wan my ice cweem." She pouts.

"See dadda standing in line there? Once he gets in front he'll order and bring it here okay? Wait for a few more minutes."

"Okay." She shrugs and continues to play with my hair.

"Hey Lee. Why haven't you introduced us to this handsome young fellow yet? Is he your boyfriend? Ooh I'm going to have grandkids!" My mom squeals excitedly. My mom is a little too enthusiastic. I can see where Jesse gets his dramatic genes from. Me and Cole are more laid back and easy going like Dad.

"When did you get a boyfriend? Does Shane know? And you know I have to question potential candidates before you date them. He could be a mass murderer for all I know." Okay maybe Cole isn't as laid back as I thought he was. Or its just the thought of me dating someone that's got him riled up.

"We share everything Lee, why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" Jesse pouts at me. Jeez, looks like he'll cry in a minute. It's not like this is my first boyfriend or anything. Wait a second, now I'm getting carried away. Ashton is not my boyfriend. What's wrong with me?

I look up to see Ashton looking at my family with amusement on his face. "You can deny the accusations, you know."

"I'd rather not. It's pretty fun this way."

I put my hands down on the table and tell my family, "Ashton here is not my boyfriend. He's the new kid in school and a friend of mine. Yes Shane has met him and they're friends too. Now stop assuming stuff."

"What'd I miss?" My dad questions, coming up with two trays of ice creams. He slowly sets it down on our table as the entire family gives their version of what happened. Ninety percent of which is not true. Dad having heard everything, then turns to me and asks, "Potential candidate?"

I open my mouth to answer, when I'm rudely interrupted by my friend. "Yes sir."

I gawk at his words. "Close your mouth Lia or you'll catch flies."

"Well, you can't go around declaring yourself a potential boyfriend candidate. I get to choose who's in it." I huff at his absurd declaration. He really should make up his mind, even I'm not this indecisive when I'm on period. He can't just flirt, then go back to normal and then declare himself a potential boyfriend candidate. That's just completely and entirely messed up.

"So who's in it?" Jesse asks as he inches closer, hungry for juicy gossip like always. I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at him. Who said boys don't gossip? They just play it cool, unlike us girls.

"None of your business, but I should inform you that list is pretty long, completely filled." With nothing, but who says he needs to know that. I haven't found anyone intriguing enough to like, except the chocolate boy currently seated next to me chatting up a storm with Cole. They're going on about some soccer match that happened yesterday. Normally I would be interested, but I stopped watching soccer for sometime and now I feel so disconnected.

"Yeah, she'd probably like that." Cole says, looking up at me.

"Thanks man." Ash says, as he stands up and does the hug only boys seem capable of pulling off, grabs his jacket and walk out the door. But the highlight of his exit is, he didn't say goodbye, forget goodbye he didn't even glace in my direction. Potential candidate, my foot.

I suddenly loose my appetite and push my ice cream away, what's happening to me? I never push away ice cream, the guy is just messing with my entire system. I need to get him out of my head. I look up to see four stunned faces looking back and forth between my cup of ice cream and me. I snap my finger in front of them and they don't snap out of it. The drama was too much to handle and I walk out, in desperate need of fresh air.

I walk around for a bit and decide I needed to see my girlfriend. I love Shane to bits but sometimes, you just need girl time. Kiara's house isn't too far from here so it was easy walking till there. When I ring the bell, her brother opens the door and leans against the door smirking at me.

"What brings strawberry shortcake to my humble abode." Let me tell you there is nothing humble about his abode. It's insanely massive and was decorated by one of the best decorators in the country.

"Well it's nice to see you too Jay, is Kiara home?"

"No, she's out laying eggs." He says with a very serious look on his face. Normal people would have fallen for it, but I'm weird, in a good way and I've known him too long.

"Whatever, get out of my way." I say as I shove past him and invite myself into his house. It was like a third home to me so it really didn't matter.

I climb up the banister and open the door to Kiara's room. There I find her eating the face of some person I have never laid eyes in in my entire life. I cough and make my presence known. She looks at me and blushes like crazy. That's very out of place. I might be a person who blushes at the smallest of things and Kiara, well she was incapable of blushing up until now. The world we know might be ending sooner than I anticipated.

What is going on?

"Umm, I'll come back later or tomorrow." I say awkwardly and run out the room.

I love Malia's family! Anyone else got over exaggerating family members? And who has a crush on someone with horrible mood swings. I remember my old crush, he was just like that. Turned out to be quite tiresome, some guys these days are so tiring they suck all your energy. But then there are those who keep you on your toes. All in favor of guys who keep you on your toes give me a hey.

Don't be a silent reader.

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