Ch14 Cured

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Three days later

Rory's POV

I still have a tube connected to me and I told Hershel to take Carl away first cause I don't really want him to see me like this but he kept doing it.

"Carl's resting in his cell already and he didn't got the disease and all of the patients are showing improvements when they took the medicine." Hershel said a little calmer. "Thanks for making him go to his cell but did the medicine even made me better?" I asked 'cause I don't even think that there are improvements in me. "Of course it did. Look, for the last couple of days you can't speak but what are you doin' now?" Hershel said smiling at me.

Hershel's right. Look, for the time that I've been choked, I can't really talk and I can't even really stand. "Alright. You're strong already, you can talk already, you can stand and I think you can already breathe on your own." Hershel said while he's examining me. "I think I can already." I said. "You sure?" Hershel asked concerned. "Yup" I said. "Okay, then. This might hurt a bit." He said while he started to pull out the tube. It actually hurts when he pulled it and when he also pushed the tube into me.

When Hershel got the tube outta me, I took a breath but not very deep... I am saving it for the real fresh air, outside the prison... "You don't have fever, you don't mostly cough anymore, so I guess that you're ready to go out already." Hershel said and I am really happy by that time 'cause its been a long time already and I still hadn't see my friends and look at me now, I feel like I'm healthy as a horse. "You're healthy as a horse." Hershel said.

I walked outside the cell block with Carl and I never felt so happy like that in my life before I never felt so happy before in my life. I got sick and I just got back. I took a very deep breath and its like the best thing tht happned to me. When I am walking towards the prison yard day I saw my friends Bea, Nicca, Hope, Arianne and Joshua. They are fixing the fences with Rick and the itger residents and I also saw Michonne gathering the corpses with Daryl and they can't see me back at that time 'cause they're facing away from me.

"Hey Guys!" I said and they ran towards me and hugged me. " I can't believe it that you're cured already." Joshua said. "Watcha expect? I'm healthy as a horse." I said back. "J-j, I really wanna say thank you, 'cause if you guys aren't here I wouldn't be like this ya know. I wouldn't be in such good condition and I wouldn't be like this, standing in front of ya'll." I said happily. "Ya know what guys, for all of the times that I've really been with all of ya. I always feel like you're all a family to me." I said as I smiled like its my first time. "You're the first one who actually said those type of things to us." I heard Bea said then she walked towards me and hugged me.

A few hours later.

Carl's POV

I feel like I could jump out of joy 'cause Rory ain't sick anymore. As Rory is still hanging out with her friends, I've just decided not to disturb them or borrow her 'cause I know that some of her friends actually think that I'm mad at them 'cause I mostly borrow Rory everytime when she's talking to her friends, so I just decided to hang around in the tower for where Rory and I have mostly been being in.

I picked up Rory's M4 Carbine 'cause I never actually held a rifle that big before so I just decided to check it out. I looked at the M4's scope and its red. As I am looking around using the scope, I saw a man in the woods that has an eyepatch and it looks like our past enemy, The Governor, I got shocked and looked away for a second, wishing that it ain't real. I looked at the scope again and he ain't there.

"Hey" I heard someone from behind said and I almost jumped out of suprise. "Golly!... Rory... You scared me." I said while I'm rubbing my chest 'cause everytime when I get surprised, my chest always hurts. "Are you okay?" Rory said as she is walking towards me with a curious face. "Yeah, I'm alright" I said like nothing had just happened. "Come on lets sit down." I said as I sat down on the wall of the tower room. "Who was it? I know that you saw someone in the woods." she said while she sat next to me. "How can you even tell me that I saw someone in the woods?" I asked as I started to cuddle her. "I saw you looking at my scope like someones there." she said then she looked at me. "It's no one okay?" I said. "I thought that you promised me that you won't lie as long as we have this relationship." She said while she looked at me... Does she always have to be this forceful to someone... I still love her, and I always will... "Okay, back when you, your friends and the Woodbury residents aren't still here. We had encounters of an evil guy called as The Governor. The Governor killed several people already including Daryl's brother, Merle, and also his fellow Woodbury soldiers and another one of ours, Andrea. The last time that he fought against us, dad and the others tried to stop him in Woodbury but when they got there, The Governor is not there so the residents joined us when they knew for what the Governor's true color is." I said as I covered the two of us a blanket... It's freakin' cold out here! ... "You know what if he comes back, I'm the one who's gonna kill him." Rory said jokingly. "Do my friends know?" she asked. "No" I said back. "Why?" she asked, oh no here it comes, she maybe gonna be saying things again. "You should tell them for them to..." She said but I cutted her off by putting my hand on her mouth. "I Love You" I said then I removed my hand and... she calmed down and gave me a smile... I'm expecting her to 'I Love You Too' but instead of that she kissed me and I didn't even expect that. I always hope that we are going to have a kiss that no one will disturb us. I felt her let go and I smiled and she smiled also "I Love You Too" she finally said. Nailed it! "You know what I always hoped that we are going to have a kiss that no one will diaturb us." I said with a smile then she laughed.

Daryl's POV

We hadn't seen Tyreese since we got on the medicine run till now... Somethings wrong... "We're gonna go look for Tyreese." I said while getting my bow done. "You just got back" Rory said. "I'll go look for him. Carol's with me." Rick said while lowering my bow. "You sure?" I asked concernly 'cause its been a disaster here last night. "Yeah... You take a rest with the others." Rick said. "Okay." I said.

Rick got the car ready and I gave him two bags from the university. "Here, I got these when we're on the run. Hoping it would be a great souvenir for ya." I gave him a keychain that says 'GoodLuckAndBeHealthy'. "Thanks" Rick said then he and Carol got into the car and drive off.

Rory's POV

"I'll just hang out with my friends for a while." I told Carl while I am trying to stand up but he pulled me down gently onto him. The two of us are facing each other and our faces are very close to each other like, our nose is touching already. "What?" I giggled 'cause he's been looking at me with his deep blue eyes. "Nothing... I just... Love you." He said and I blushed then he kissed me but I pulled away 'cause I have to go to my friends. "I have to go." I said as I stood up. "Come back, okay?" He said. "I will" I said back while heading down the tower.

I'm gonna check on Liz 'cause I kept worrying about her, I feel like that there's this family bond between us even though that we don't have some. I entered a room that has this clear glass... so this is what it looks like from the outside... I told Glenn to call Liz but what's taking her so long? I faced away from the glass and pulled out my Desolate Falcon .50 to reload it, this gun is also a pistol and this is the type of gun that cops also use besides the Springfield action. I got this gun from Rick, he tokd me that this gun is strong and I need to find a sikencer for this.

I am reloading my gun then I heard a tap from the glass and I quickly put my gun back in my holster. "Hey, you still sick?" I asked 'cause she still hadn't come out of that cell block for days even though that she took the medicine already. "Yes, I really wanna thank you for saving me when Henry chased me that night." Liz said and she looks like that she's shy. "Yeah well, your welcome but don't be shy for what I did to you that night." I said. "I know, I am just sorry that I have been that irresponsible." Liz said shyly. "Look, you're stronger than this, you're better than this and you know, that what you did that night... isn't responsible, you saved my life and you call that irresponsible?" I said with a smile on my face. "No but, Henry didn't come and get you, he tried to get me by that time and not you." Liz said. "I don't care, you still saved my life and look, you also called out for Hershel even when Henry's chasing you." I said. "Get well soon alright?" I said while I smiled.

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