Lessons pt 05 (last)

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In that moment, Richard Kruspe was the happiest student in the whole faculty. Not only that he got a passing grade in arithmetic, but he also achieved brilliant results and, although he didn't want to admit it, he felt huge gratitude towards his older fellow student. He felt sudden wish to thank him, to hug him, to squeeze the hell out of him from love and happiness, to give him his most honest kiss, and if the poor boy was here he would certainly get everything that, everything what he was ever longing for. And that was a huge turnabout in Richard's mood recently; only few hours ago he had been still suffering from the consequences of yesterday's drunkenness, and although he had heard that the results had been announced already, his painful head and tired eyes had shown neither the smallest wish to leave his bed and go to check them out. But soon, realizing the worst symptoms of his hangover had been withdrawn at last as he suddenly woke up after a good sleep, nothing was standing on his way to finally rush, with lump in his throat, toward an uncertain future of his education.

And now, in the late afternoon, the younger student was standing there at last, in front of the notice board, staring with disbelief at the results of his final arithmetic exam, feeling a pleasurable ray of joy and relief spreading inside his chest. Yes, Richard was very grateful to his fellow student, hadn't he very good reasons for it?! Not only Paul had been helping him with studying, but also he had solved his entire exam after all. He got more than he had expected from him. Much more. But still... What was the price for it? An evil, revengeful voice appeared in his head, all his gratitude immediately fading and his mind darkening while all his bad memories suddenly rushed into his head. The price for it was simply high. Too high. The younger student strongly clenched his fists only thinking of it. He felt anger. Shame. Damned Landers had been humiliating him so much, stringing the blackmails out one after another, shamelessly using his power to control him. To submit him. To bottom him. And the fact that he had been actually enjoying certain parts in all this was maddening him even more, making him furious, lost, desperate... Richard growled and hit the wall with his fist so strongly that few students in the corridor turned their heads towards him. He leaned with his back against the wall, breathing deeply while feeling his blood boiling inside him, trying with his entire forces to calm down, deep in thoughts. Finally, everything will come back to normal now, he thought. He owns me no longer. He can't control me anymore. Now I'm free at last. A grin appeared on younger student's face realizing it was really over now. After so much worries, blackmails and belittlement, it was finally over. And a new time has come; the time to show his fellow student his real place.

Put in a good mood and motivated by these thoughts as the only consolation that remained to him, Richard Kruspe went to search for his former private instructor. He was alone while he was quickly walking down the corridor and very soon female students tried to gather around him, but this time he didn't notice them, just passing by them without throwing any glance at all, his strict look undistracted and frowned, having the only thing in his mind and in front of his eyes, the only prey he was desiring and looking for at the moment – a student named Paul Landers.

The first place the popular student checked out was Landers' room, but it was locked. He headed for few more places he knew the older student used to visit gladly, but they were all empty. And then, finally a thought came into his head. The library! Yes, the library. Where else this nerd would be hiding at all? And he was right – he did find Paul there, though just in a moment he was leaving the library and Richard's first reaction was to get out of his way and hide between the shelves. He didn't want to be revealed by his fellow student. Not yet. Safe and hidden, he was stealthily watching the shorter man's hurry walk and blazer around his waist which was telling him that he had reacted more than well – his prey was coming back soon anyway.

Student Kruspe didn't have to be that much discerning to conclude where Paul was heading to. Hah, where else than in the toilet, Richard thought contentedly. Again. The taller man knew very well that ever since the older student had his first intercourse, he would be trying to catch any free time to be intimate with him, and when he was alone, he would be masturbating. Richard smiled, flattered by that, feeling tension in his crotch growing. You want me, Landers. Oh, you want me so much that you can't spend even half an hour of learning in library without taking your sweet little breaks. Now you'll get what you want, you horny little boy. Finally I can give you what I wanted in the first place.

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