Cherry Pie

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“Sam!? Sammy!” Dean let the door to the fridge slam shut as he turned to stalk back into the make shift dining room of the bunker in search of his brother. “Yeah?” The freakishly tall hunter’s head appeared from behind a door frame and Dean raised an eyebrow holding up the empty pie tin that had induced his sorrows. “We,” Dean gestured to the whole room for dramatics, “are out of pie.”

Sam sighed and stepped fully into the room, “So?” Dean threw his hands up, “So? So? How can you be so insensitive about this?”

Sam shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose, “How can you be so oversensitive?” Dean huffed and crossed his arms, ready to blow the situation way out of proportion. To be honest, he was going stir crazy. He hadn’t left the bunker in days and he needed an outlet. Even if that was yelling at his little brother over the ridiculous.

By now, Castiel had made his way into the same area to see what the commotion was about, but seeing to fuming brothers glaring at each other and the empty pie container, he almost turned right back around. But he was curious to see how this turned out and leaned against the door frame instead.

“Look, I’m going to make a supply run today, we’re out of bullets and food and quite frankly I need some space from your,” Sam seemed to struggle for the right word and just gave up with it at the look from Dean’s face, “Well your all out being a dick and I’ve had enough.” Dean scoffed and tossed the aluminum pan on the long table, “Cas, am I being a dick?”

The ex-angel opened his mouth and looked between the brothers, “I, ah.” He really didn’t have an answer that he wanted to say, luckily Sam decided to say something for him, “Look, it doesn’t matter. But I’m going out and won’t be back for a while so don’t wait up or anything.”

Dean took a deep breath and let it out, “Fine, keys are in the ignition. Baby’s still in the garage.” Sam smiled wryly before leaving the room.

Dean looked at Castiel and sighed, “Sorry, Cas. I’m just tired of being stuck here while we wait for something to do.” The hunter sat down at the table and got out his phone, opening an app to pass the time.

Castiel, unsure of what to do, made his way to a chair opposite of Dean’s and sat down as well. Staring at nothing in particular, Castiel decided to see if Dean could do something about his own boredom since he wasn’t used to dealing with these new, human, feelings.

“Dean.” The hunter sighed and looked up from his phone, “Yeah, Cas? What is it?” The newest addition to the human hunter parade looked down at his hands which were folded and resting on the table, “I think I’m bored.” Dean snorted and shook his head, “Welcome to the club. Would you like some complimentary stickers with that revelation?” Castiel furrowed his brows at the analogy and Dean sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, “Never mind. And I don’t know what to do about it. Until Sam gets back with the Impala, we’re kind of shit out of luck with going anywhere for entertainment.”

Dean watched Castiel’s gaze lower back to his hands on the table and Dean set the phone down with a sudden thought. “Well, I suppose we could always play cards or something. I think it’s about time I teach you how to play poker. It’d be helpful to have a third party going in our little hustles at bars when we’re strapped for cash.”

Castiel frowned but Dean shrugged, “Well, you’re not exactly on Heaven’s band wagon anymore, Cas. Time to nut up and grab human life by the short and curlies, so to speak.” Dean stood and stretched out his back, heading for the nearest desk in search of the worn down pack of cards that seemed to travel everywhere with the hunters.

Finding it in the third drawer down, Dean let out a triumphant ‘ah-ha!’ and held up the small red and blue box to the seemingly unimpressed Castiel. Dean rolled his eyes at the incredulous look he was receiving and strolled back over to his spot across from the ex-angel. “Okay, so you wanna start right up with Texas Hold ‘Em or start simple with Go Fish?”

Destiel/ Sabriel PromptsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ