Killing Time

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Dean raised his head and rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the blurry words that swam across his vision. The blonde hunter cracked his neck with a groan and closed the book in front of him, sighing. “Sam, we need a break from this research. We’re not getting anywhere with it right now.”

The younger of the two brothers raised his head from the table and blinked at the sudden change in light, “Yeah?” Dean smiled and stood, popping the knots in his back as he did so, “Yeah, how about we take a break?” Sam shook his head and closed his own book, “I think I’m onto something here actually. But I could go for five.”

Dean rubbed his hands together in a way that made Sam think of some cheesy cartoon villain hatch a plot of some sort, “Right, well I’m headed for a beer, you want one?”

The taller Winchester nodded and Dean turned to walk into the kitchen where he found a very disgruntled looking Castiel staring at multiple baking ingredients. “Hey, Cas. What’re you doing?” The angel tilted his head in regard to the hunter, “I was talking to Gabriel about certain matters when he suggested that I ‘stop mopping and try baking’.” Dean raised an eye brow, “Gabriel’s here?” Castiel shrugged, “He likes to say it’s because he enjoys his role as The Trickster that messes with you. But I believe it’s because he likes Sam’s company as I do with yours.” Dean let the comment roll off his psyche and decided to get the topic back in his favor, “Alright, so what are we making?”

Castiel frowned in confusion, “We?” Dean nodded, grinning as he rolled up his sleeves, “Well I figure if it involves you and objects that can kill, best get myself involved before something starts on fire.”

The dark haired angel sighed, “It was one can of soup, Dean. I already apologized to Sam for destroying the microwave.” Dean snorted and looked at the items on display on the counter, “Dude, destroyed is an understatement, that thing exploded into more pieces than a shape shifter changing identities.”

Castiel wrinkled his nose at the reference and Dean made his way to the fridge, grabbing two bottles from the inside of the door. “I’ll be right back. Pick out a something from that book in front of you while I’m gone.”

Dean didn’t wait for a reply as he walked back into the den where he saw his brother with his nose in a different, old and dusty book. “What point of a five minute break do you not understand?” The younger Winchester looked up and took the offered drink with a mumbled, ‘Thanks’.

“Since you’ve got this whole situation covered I’m going back to the kitchen to help Cas out with some baking.” Sam raised his eyebrow opening his beer and taking a swig, “Baking?” Dean rolled his eyes, “Shut up.” Sam smirked and shook his head, “I didn’t say anything.” Dean narrowed his eyes at his younger brother, “Bitch.” Sam didn’t even hesitate to come back with, “Jerk.”

The older hunter smirked and turned to go back into the kitchen, deciding to be nice and throw a warning over his shoulder as he did so, “Oh yeah, and Cas says that Gabriel is around here somewhere. Just thought I’d let you know.”

Sam groaned and let his head fall forward onto the open page of the Men of Letters journal that he had open, “Fantastic.” Dean smirked and shook his head. Castiel was still staring at the baking things when Dean re-entered the kitchen, “Find something yet?” The angel looked up and nodded, “I believe so.” Dean pressed his bottle of beer against his lips to take a drink before replying, “Awesome, so what will we be cooking today?”

Castiel smiled, “We are going to bake a pie.” Dean beamed, “Now, we’re talking! What kind?” Castiel glanced at the page that he had marked on the worn out cook book before replying, “Apple. Or at least, that’s what this recipe recommends anyways.”

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