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Dean was white knuckling the steering wheel to the Impala at the screaming coming from the back seat. “Can you please get that thing to shut up!?” He was getting desperate and Castiel glared at him through the rear view mirror, “He’s upset, Dean. What do you want me to do?”

Sam turned around to address the angel and glanced down at the blood spattered baby in his arms, “Can you maybe put him to sleep or something?” Castiel sighed, “I’ve tried, but it seems my grace passes right over him from that spell the demigod cast before she died.”

“You mean before I blew her brains out?” Dean was grinning like an idiot, earning him two different sets of glares. “What?”

Sam shook his head, his bitch face still plastered to his features, “Time and place, Dean. We need to find this kid’s parents and get him back to them.” Castiel was still struggling with the flailing baby and Dean felt his patience slowly being chipped away. “I saw a sign for a motel a few miles ahead. We’ll stop there for the night and figure this mess out.”

There were no objections and Dean took the turn off with a slight feeling of victory in his chest.


“One room, two bed please.” The lady at the counter just shrugged and wrote down the fake information that the older Winchester handed to her. Castiel and Sam were waiting outside with the baby and Dean was eager to take a shower and head to bed.

“Here you go, sir. Have a good night.” Dean nodded his thanks but the lady was already watching the rest of her TV show on her laptop. With a shrug he walked back out the door to the rest of the group. “Okay, room eight is ours.”

Sam looked about ready to fall over he was so tired, but he smiled, grateful to take a break. “Mind if I get the first shower and then head to bed?” Dean waved the question off, “Yeah, sure. You look like a zombie anyways, Sammy.” The younger brother raised an eyebrow but didn’t give his own two cents on Dean’s own appearance and walked into the room.

Castiel was still holding the baby who had thankfully quieted down. “Come on, Cas. Let’s get inside and get him cleaned up.” The angel followed the hunter into the room without a word; he seemed to be rather focused on something.

“He says his name is Henry.” The hunter raised an eyebrow at the angel and held the door open so that Castiel didn’t have to juggle the baby while trying to enter the room. “How do you know that?”

“His brain waves, despite being jumbled up and constantly switching, are quite simple and easy to read. He says his name is Henry and that he thinks your eyes are pretty.” Dean scoffed and took of his jacket, which definitely needed to be washed. “Pretty? He thinks my eyes are pretty?”

Castiel just shrugged, “I have to agree with him. But they look more like emeralds flecked with gold than ‘grapes that mommy feeds to me’.” Dean saw that Castiel was referring to Henry with that last part and shook his head. “I will never understand you and your weird angel mojo.”

The angel smiled and sat on the end of the bed Dean had claimed while the hunter basically sprawled across the sheets with a groan. “I hurt everywhere.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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