Chapter 6

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* John’s POV *

“That was so much fun!” Serenity laughed, jumping up and down, and jiggling the cup wanting to hear how much we have collected from that little show. “But it’s so embarrassing!”

I laughed with her as I snatched the cup from her hand and led her to a nearby table. Guiding her way to the seat, I made sure she was comfortable before I tipped the cup over so I can start counting how much we have earned today.

“Fifty dollars!” I exclaimed, getting excited. It wasn’t half of the amount we needed to earn, but it was a start. Plus, I can probably pull some strings and help her save up. It’s the least that I can do.

“Yay!” She cheered, raising both of her hands up as happiness painted all over her face. It was the first time I’ve seen this happy, and judging from Lenny’s stories, he was used to her being lonely most of the time.

So this was something new, and I’m glad I could help her. That I could make her laugh, despite her disability.

Her previous awesome mood turned upside down the moment her cellphone beeped, signaling an alarm.

“What was that for?” I inquired.

“What time is it?” She asked, ignoring my question.

“It’s almost six.” I uttered as she panicked.

“Oh my gosh! I told my mum that I would call hours ago. They might be worried.” She told me. “I have to go home. Can you please help me get a cab?”

I nodded, and then realized she couldn’t see me. But she didn’t have to know that. I didn’t want to offend her.

Leading her out of the beach, I hailed a cab and assisted her inside, telling her to slide down. Her face showed how confused she was of what I was asking her to do, but she complied.

As I closed the door, the cab driver started to move forward, asking where we were going. But I guess Serenity was too shocked to even speak up.

“Serenity, I’m taking you home.” I uttered, giving me a wide smile in return. Leaning back on the seat, completely forgetting about the cab driver’s question, until the guy repeated it.

“Oh yeah right.” Serenity sheepishly said, and told the driver her address.


“So you must be Lenny. We’ve heard so many things about you. It’s sad that this will be our first meeting. I wasn’t here at the time of the accident.” Her dad said while welcoming me inside their house, telling me to feel at home.

“Actually, my name is John. I’m Lenny’s twin brother.” I corrected him and he nodded his head, his mouth forming an ‘O’.

“Sorry about that. Come on, sit down.” He gestured the sofa on the right corner of the room as Mrs. Nash hugged Serenity, assuring she was alright. “Thank you for taking her home. We were so worried that she hasn’t called yet. We thought something had happened again.”

Just before I could tell him that it was fine and that I had the same intentions of why I took her home, Serenity and her mum joined us briefly.

“John, thanks again for today. I had so much fun, you have no idea.” She squealed, happily. Her parents were delighted at her progress, finally smiling. “But mum said I need to rest already so I’m going to bed.”

“It’s fine.” I assured her, and that I had to go home anyway. “We’ll do it again, Serenity. I had fun too!” I exclaimed and she grinned, getting anxious of our next spontaneous Jerenity event.

3: Never Let Go (John & Lenny Pearce/Justice Crew Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant