Authors Note #1

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Authors Note

Authors Note

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This book is being dedicated to Sidney J. McKay who died August 19, 2016.



1. Don't steal. You all know the drill. Please don't copy anything I say or write in this book.
2. Be nice. Again, you all know this and I don't usually have trouble with it. I am still going to remind you all the some of the things you guys say on here can really hurt a persons feelings so please, if its not kind and loving don't say it.
3. Updates updates updates. Guess what? Every time someone asks me to update, or tells me to update, or even hints about anything about updates I will wait another day to update AND I will officially send the Ghostbusters after you.
4. No constructive criticizing! I know some people like it and think it helps, but it drives me crazy when someone trys to tell me what I did wrong. So please please please don't do it.

Status: Completed (In editing)
Updates: Whenever I feel like it



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