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Taeyeon's POV

We waited silently for the rain to become lighter before leaving the place.
We walked to the bus stop, hand in hand.
Although we didn't talk, the silence was comfortable.

When we reached the bus stop, I saw, on the other end of the bus stop, Sica looking out into the rain.
"It's Jessica."
I pointed my finger at Jessica and started walking towards her.
She let go of my hand.

"Jessie..." Tiffany held her shoulder and she turned.
"Tiffany. What are you doing here? With Taeyeon."
"W-we..." TIffany's finger pointed to both of us and then behind, not anwering Sica's question.
Jessica just stared at her with question marks on her face.
"We were eating at the park." I answered for her and changed the topic, "Did Yuri found you?"

I can feel Tiffany's eyes on me, and I was trying so hard to pay attention to Jessica.
"Yeah. She went back to school to take her things. Why is the atmosphere so awkward?"
"So you two are okay now?" I asked again, ignoring her last question.
She nodded and smiled.

"That's great." Tiffany said, pulling her into a hug. "Stay strong, Jess. There's always challenges in relationships."
"Thanks, Fany. Thanks, Tae."
Then, there was silence.

"So.... what's up with you two?" Jessica's sudden question surprised us both.
"Nothing. W-what do you mean?"
"Don't act like you don't know. Did something happened earlier? When you two were having lunch....?" she continued investigating us.
We both answered at the same time.
Sica just snickered mischeviously.

Soon, the bus arrived.
"You two go ahead. I'm waiting for Yuri."
"Okay. Take care Jessie." Tiffany patted Sica's head.
"Bye! Have a nice date! Take good care of my best friend, okay, Taeng!" she shouted at us when we reached the bus entrance.
I noticed Tiffany blushing while other people stared at us.
Did she really have to shout?
Oh my gosh. Its so embarrassing.

Tiffany chose the empty seat right at the back of the bus.
After sitting, she adjusted the air-con above so that it is not directed to her.
Just like yesterday.
I guess she doesn't like the cold air blowing at her head.

The bus ride was bumpy, and the bus kept jerking.
Lousy bus driver.
Why drive if you don't know how to drive properly.

Thankfully, we only have to travel in the bus for less than 20 minutes.
We alight at the same bus stop but she walks right, i walk left.
Our house was not far frome one another.
But I have yet to know where her house is exactly.

When the bus was going to reach our bus stop, I pressed the bell and got up from my seat.
The bus had to turn around a bend before reaching the bus stop.
I should have known how bad the turn will be.
It was very sharp, I fell back on my seat.
On Tiffany.
She had slid to my seat, waiting for me start walking but I had fallen on top of her.

I quickly stood back up, apologising to her.
I saw her shaking her head, laughing at my clumsiness.
Holding the handles, I guided my way to the exit and stood there.
I gripped tightly onto the pole so that I won't fall when the bus brakes.
I didn't fall. But Tiffany did.
She had just took her hand off the handle when the bus halted abruptly.

Shitty driver. The passengers must be cursing at him inside.
But. Thank you for making this happen.

Tiffany jerked forward, her body slammed into me and her lips brushed against my cheeks.
If I were to turn to look at her, it would have been my lips they brushed against.

I smiled at the thought of that.

The door opened.
She took my hand as we stepped down the bus.

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