Introduction :3

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Hello to anybody who reads this (i doubt theres anyone doing so) this is a book where ill put aaaaall my personal thoughts and a bunch of crap youd rather not hear but if you like reading pathetic thoughts like mine well you may stay and might as well listen to everything i say in my weird book XD

Well let me introduce myself first :3

Im Steven (everyone calls me steven universe for some aparent reason XD)
Im 14 and soon 15 cuz ma b-day is getting reaaaaally close :3
Not that anyone here will care but just wanted to let you guys know XD

Im from Puerto Rico :3
You guys are probably wondering what Puerto Rico is or most of you might already know what it is but ill explain anyways
Puerto Rico is a beutiful island in the caribean, its full of beutiful fauna and flora as well as hobos, drug adicts, drug dealers, gangsters, black marketing, a lot of killing and violence, contamination, destruction an lets not forget poor people like me :3
My tiny and "beutiful" island has been fucked up by its mayor a.k.a it all.
My island is full of teenage pregnancies and rapists looking for their next victim :3
Creepy right? XD
Yeah your all thinking i might crazy but thats just a side effect of this fucked up island XD
Moving on (⌒-⌒; )

I like anime and music
What kind of music i listen too?
Everything XD
I dont watch much since people never recomend me some :(
So if anybody has a recomendation let me know :p
I love churros *-*
Everything that has to do with mexican food is life :3
Im not a mexican okay?
Im a puertorican
Biiiiiig difference XD
Learning a mexicans accent wouldnt be that bad tho......
Anywaaaaaays :3

This book is meant to make me new frieeeeends since im an antisocial lowlife XD

I am constantly stepping on leggos and also thinking if the world hates me :)
Apperantly it does because i stepp on a leggo every fucking second!!!!!
Yeah i have a 9 year old brother who is annoying as FUCK!!
Everyone thinks hes adorable and cute but wait till i tell you how that little mother****** actually behaves like

And yeah i still live with my parents and my grandmother lives upstairs (i have a two floors house) ugh i cant stand her yelling at me every 5 seconds :v

But reality is cruel after all XD

Id looooove to keep adding shiz to my book buuuuuuut its pretty late and i dont wanna be late for school tomorrow XD

Maybe ill be do another chapter about tomorrows fine an beutiful day at the island of wonders :3
(Please do notice the sarcasm)

Im out
Bye! \*-*/

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