Chap 7!

28 4 21

Guss whos back!!!! 😂
I am silly :3

God its been ages since ive been on wattpad ;~;
Well whateva, looks like ill have to pay more atenttion to this huh? XD

Sou a lot has happened and im planning on telling you aaaaall about it 🙄😂
So be ready, make sure you have enough battery for a year and food too
Cuz this gonna be long ;~;
(Not really)

Sou wanna hear the good things or the bad things? :3
You guys allways like the bad things first sou ima start through there 🙄

Okaaaay guys do you remember my curse?
Okay then allow me to refresh, since the day my brother was born ive been cursed to step on legos every five fucking seconds and the curse still goes until i can finnally move away from this house :3

Like a month ago i was walking through my room to get my clothes, i put on my shirt and went to my desk to get my pants, i wasnt looking down since i was distracted thinking about...
Ermm, stuff. 😅😳
Dont ask what unless you feel like having a trauma XD

When i finnally reach for my pants i feel pain under my foot that keeps getting worse and worse (without freaking out) i reach for my foot and look what was under it and when i look theres a nail peirced into my foot ;~;
Five seconds later i ended up beating my brother into the dirt bag he is
He deserved it 😡😂
Plus he broke my lip yesterday with a flying spatula!

Kay lets move on shall we? 😂
Ummmmm wilda dosent talk to me like usual but i bet that when i update my book the first thing shes gonna do is coment a critic

We have the weirdest friend relationship 😂😂😂😂👌
Like we curse ourselves every five minutes
Ahhhhh true friendship right there 👌

Plus she has the weirdest threats ;~;
Wich i dont feel like saying 😅

Well lets go with my "mum" ;~;
Hmmm if i count the total of slapps shes given me id say.....
I lost count 😂
Jesus christ for the love of god MUM STAHP THAT! 😂
Im kinda like her punching bag ;~;
What a gr8 mum
And its always on the right cheek
Mum if you keep hitting me there ill grow a tumor ಠ_ಠ
I cant feel my cheek anymore (;ω;)

Heh guess whaaaaat? :3
I have a new friend mathafackas!
That proves im not anti social XD
She apperantly has wattpad so it wouldnt surprise me if she saw this ;~;
Plus she live on the other side of the island 😭😭😭
She lives closer than faith does tho 🙃
So one point fou meh

Yestarday some old lady started touching me ( i almost puked on her like seriously) because she was one of grandmas old friend ( they both lived with the dinosaurs ) theyre reaaaaaally old 😂
Like you guys know the skin that grows under youre elbow?
Like i can use my grandmas skin as a slingshot! 😂😂😂😂
Its just so stretchy.....
Looks weird ;~;

Rey and i were talking about the new movie moana......
And we asked ourselves
Why did it have to be moana? 😂😂😂
I mean it sounds exactly like moan ;~;

Now that we mention it.....
Wilda dosent know how to moan 😂😂👌
Wich is a bit disturbuing ;~;
But eh, i can live with that 😂

Now for some random facts and stories 😂🌚

Ma cat was eating a rat yestarday and my grandma grabbed it thinking it was a leaf 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙄😷
Ewwww 😂😂😂😂😂

My cousin isnt in my grandmas house and this is getting akward ;~;
Its as akward as the day my brother barfed besides me 😂
He started shaking and barfing besides me
I asked him if he was okay
(I couldnt see since he was facing the other way)
When he turns around he has barf running down his shirt 😷😂
I think i saw chunks of that days lunch 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh god thats gross 🙃

*five days later*
*donald declares that PR will be selled to another country*
And thats when steven knew, he fucked up 😂👌
I think donald trump is gonna die in one more week
Do you know how many hater does that guy have? 😂😂😂😂
Geesh, a lot 😂😂

DONALD TRUMP WON!!YES!!HUZZAH!!HE WON WOOOOOOOOO!!*five days later**donald declares that PR will be selled to another country*And thats when steven knew, he fucked up 😂👌I think donald trump is gonna die in one more week Do you know how many hate...

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Kermit tho 😂👌
This pic reminds me of my bro 😂
Gaud this picture is epic. 😂
I think this guy ruined kermits reputation 😂😂

Thats me cat loki :3THIS IS TORTURE!!! 😈😂Actually he likes it when i do that ;~;He keeps coming to me and puts my hand in his neck ;~;He be a wittle masochist •3•Im one mean motherfucker arent i? ;~;

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Thats me cat loki :3
Actually he likes it when i do that ;~;
He keeps coming to me and puts my hand in his neck ;~;
He be a wittle masochist •3•
Im one mean motherfucker arent i? ;~;


Okay i guess im about finnished here 😂😂😂😂

Well i updated this book now i have to go to the other one.....
If i feel motivated that is 🌚😂

Baai!! (๑╹ω╹๑ )

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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