Chapt 4

28 3 8

Well today was actually pretty well XD
Ill tell you aaaaall about it :3

Well the thing that most surprise me was that i didnt step on a lego today neitger did i fall from my bed while i slept! XD
Lucky me huh? XD
And yestarday people said i looked nice with a tie :3
Awwwwww :3
But SOMEONE (wilda) told me i looked stupid with it 😒
Thanks for the update fatty 😠😤
Anyways (=`~'=)

Afterwards we went to a tiny mountain wich is our hang out spot :3
Mom (yaleishka) was abusing of us and telling us mean stuff
Plus mum hates me soooou ;~;
And they were playing flutes and all too
They were trying atleast ;~;
Mum has a baby face and we children have adult faces, sou its aall the way around ;~;
We got the most twisted family XD

Im loving the "dat boi" memes XD
Like daumn its really catchy specially the bad grammar XD

Laik al of a suden ur gona si mi textin laik dat tu
Boi get rekt 😎😎😎
Nah jk 😂😂😂😂

Today at the bus i think i did the worst mistake ever ;~;
Wilda told me i was going to seet right next to her and i agreed and when i got in idk what happened i suddenly turned to the seet infront of her and wilfre sat next to her and......
Stuff you dont need to know went through ma mind ;~;
Then when she left she hit me on the forehead ;~;
Im sorry wilda, its just that sometimes i can bore people but when you hang out with wilfre you guys look like your having ablast so thats why i let wilfre sit next to you.......
Maybe tomorrow if ya want :3
Anywho i think i spoke too much i should shut up (」゚ペ)」

Im weally bored guys like my entratained bar is hitting rock bottom ;~;

Im weally bored guys like my entratained bar is hitting rock bottom ;~;

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Best picture ever XD
Oh shit here comes dat boi
Shit waddup?

Ima keep posting memes abot boi XD

Ima keep posting memes abot boi XD

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What a great movie huh? XD

Boi is the best singer XDLooks like patrick has competition XD

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Boi is the best singer XD
Looks like patrick has competition XD

Boi is the best singer XDLooks like patrick has competition XD

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Ima keep posting memes XD

Oh vader you never get old XD

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Oh vader you never get old XD

Guys this is litterally my room XDTheres some creepy shit lurking around my room ;~;

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Guys this is litterally my room XD
Theres some creepy shit lurking around my room ;~;

Guys this is litterally my room XDTheres some creepy shit lurking around my room ;~;

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Sooo where is he? 😈😂

Do never hold it inRelease it if necessaryXD

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Do never hold it in
Release it if necessary

Aaaand thats about it, i have to do a bunch of stuff since tomorrows ma b-day gotta get ready cuz im going to a luxurious hotel :3
For three days only ;~;
Buut its something

Im out! (ヾ('・ω・`)

Idk what im doing XDWhere stories live. Discover now