XXXVI: The Hell Hounds of Synergy

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I scrambled away from the bar, pulling Flynn and Simon with me. We rejoined with Glitch and Thomason and moved as far away from the red door as we could. 

And then I heard the blood-curdling howling. 

My skin drained of all color and I anxiously grabbed Glitch's arm. 

"Hell Hounds," I whispered. My voice was so shaky that if a dish of water was put on it, the water would've spilled everywhere. 

"I know. Stay behind me. Thomason, get behind her." Thomason took my arm and pulled me behind Glitch. I had never been more scared in my life. 

The Hounds howled again and I could see them. The huge black dogs circled around the strip poles in the middle of the club. There was three of  them. Three massive, blood-thirsty, ravenous Hell Hounds. 

I could only pray to gods that didn't exist that they weren't as bad as Ada's Hell Hounds. 

"Glitch, get us out of here," I said nervously. I tightened my grip on his arm, my nails digging into his skin. He couldn't feel the pain so what was the point not doing it? 

One Hound left the pack and leaped onto the bar. The glass cracked under its weight and splintered under its claws. It scanned Synergy with its dark eyes. Dark liquid dripped from its jaws. I hoped that it wasn't blood but I knew that it was. Whose? Where they already killing people? I didn't think so. I hadn't heard any screaming. 

The Hell Hound pounced off the bar and onto a thin, slutty-looking girl. A scream died in her throat as her throat disappeared into the Hell Hound's mouth. Glitch backed up, pushing both Thomason and me against the wall. Simon and Flynn guarded us on either side. 

The lights dimmed even more and the neon strobe was shut off. We were left in near-darkness. 

Annie, I whispered in my head. Annie, please help me. I can't survive this. I need you to help me.

I didn't expect a reply. 

I'm here, Bandit, her voice filled my mind. I'm here and I'm coming to get you. What's wrong?

Fuck, Annie, I'm at Synergy with my boys, I thought. 

The Hound finished devouring the poor girl--bones and clothes and all--and I met its eyes in the dark. It held my gaze for a long time before returning to its pack. I saw a fourth figure and knew in an instant that it was the upright Hell Hound-ish beast from the night I first saw the Hell Hounds. Even though I couldn't see it, I knew that it was the creature. 

Ada? Annie asked. 

Yes, I thought back immediately. Trials. Hell Hounds. Ada's. Thomason and I are gonna die.

No, you aren't. Hold on. I'm on my way. 

She left my mind and I let out a small cry. Both Simon and Flynn clapped their hands to my mouth and I realized then that the only sounds were coming from the Hell Hounds, the AC, and my racing heart. 

I forgot I even had a heart. 

Simon and Flynn left their hands on my mouth for a long time. Minutes hours days weeks I couldn't tell. Time was either so slow or so fast I couldn't understand anything. 

Someone screamed as another Hell Hound killed them. I pressed my back firmly against the wall, terrified. I wasn't going to die I wasn't going to die I wasn't going to die--

--I was going to die. 

Annie?! I frantically asked in my mind. Annie, please hurry up! I'm . . . I couldn't bring myself to even think it. Who was I kidding? Annie was my childhood best friend. I still couldn't admit it. Please just hurry.

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