XLVI: The Day of Bandit's Birthday

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I was dead. I knew that I was dead. 

The Hell Hounds went for my throat. There wasn't anything stopping them. I couldn't feel anything but pain. I couldn't see or smell or hear or taste anything. 

That meant I was dead. 

And then there was nothing but blackness. 


Annie stood up after a long time of death. She stood face-to-face with Ada. 

"Hello, Auntie Ada," Annie growled. Ada's lips stretched into a sinister grin. 

"Annie, dearest." Her voice was like ice. It pierced through Annie's chest. "There's no stopping me now. I've already killed Adelaide Lee." Annie touched her side. There was no blood. 

"Are you happy?" Annie asked, keeping her voice as steady as possible. Ada tossed her head back and laughed. Annie took this split second to snatch the barbed wire from the floor. 

"Happy? Of course I am!" Ada wiped a nonexistent tear and grinned maniacally. "I've killed everyone." 

"And yourself," Annie murmured. Ada raised an eyebrow. 

"Excuse me?" It wasn't a nice tone. 

Annie lunged forward, wrapping the barbed wire around Ada's throat. Ada clawed at the wire, writhing and struggling to get free. Annie only tightened her grip as she racked her brain for the banishing spell she had memorized the day before. It would get rid of any spirit--dark or light--including Annie herself. It was worth it, if Ada would be banished. 

Finally, she remembered. 

"In these names that are above all others, the name of the great lady and powerful Lord, I hunt by seed, flower and fruit of evil, I cast a spell on them with power and purity, Whether constrained by chains Or returned to darkness, They may never disturb the servants of the gods. I banish every spirit in this place. I banish them to Hell and I banish them forever. Any spirit that haunts this place--whether he be light or he be dark--I banish thee!"  

Ada screamed as she disappeared in a fume of black flames. 

Annie didn't let any sound leave her lips as she shared the same fate. 


It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Samantha went to Bandit's room; but instead of mourning over her deceased girlfriend, Death pulled a scythe from thin air. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Simon finally stopped feeling sick. It was time for Pestilence to release plague on the world. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Flynn was no longer hungry. Famine sent out his plague of hunger along with Pestilence's plague of sickness.

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that, when Helena went to Bandit's room, she wasn't angry. War's anger was released to the world instead. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Gabriel fell to Earth again. But this time, instead of falling alone on broken wings, Gabriel fell with his brother Michael. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Alice hung her braided sheets from the ceiling and hung herself from the sheets. She was the first to die from Death's plague. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Glitch left for Fortuna. William Gavel was gone. Glitch put on the ringmaster's costume. Fortuna was his. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Thomason got drunker than an Irishman at Germany's Oktoberfest. He sliced up his wrists and pretended to feel the pain. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Lucy and Leviathan joined--first at the hip like Siamese twins, then together completely--to form Lucifer. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that Jemma cried. Her acidic tears streamed down her face and she screamed from the pain. When she finally finished, there were scars running down her cheeks. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that every single ghost descended from the Gavel family was released to Heaven and to Hell. They were finally free and they had Annie to thank. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that everyone had left Safe House. 

It was the day of Bandit's birthday that no one was around to watch as Bandit woke up. 

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