Ship 7: Spencelon's Child

188 15 8

Parents Analysis: Spencer Smith and Dallon Weekes

Personality: dad jokes are the only humor they have. While smart, their common sense is lacking a bit. A bit awkward when it comes to socialization, but easily opens up if they warm up to your presence. They love to draw a lot, and their school work may contains tons of tiny doodles. A bit sensitive, but can go savage if extremely pissed. They look innocent but may be actually corrupt in the mind. Loves history, art, music, and sciences classes too much. Hates geometry.

Notes: likes to steal the Joncer Child's Nutella while they aren't looking. Constantly shook on the inside. Religiously listens to The Brobecks. Once made a dad joke about condoms.

*Log last updated on 9/7/16

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