Ship 22: Joshler's Child

155 13 4

Parents Analysis: Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph

Personality: this child is obsessed with aesthetics! Almost everyday they're seen in a flower crown and they are not afraid to flaunt it. The Joshler Child struggles with a few mental problems, but embraces it as part of who they are. Sometimes instead of writing notes, they are writing poetry that currently reflects their current state of mind. Highly, highly artistic. Can easily ace Theater Arts, Visual Arts, Music...heck even Creative Writing is a strong class. Sometimes does photography, mainly specializing in Polaroids. Sometimes has excessive mood swings.

Notes: Has this thing where their hair is a different color every few months. Draws homemade tattoos on themselves a lot too, which are often misunderstood for "suicidal marks". They just need a hug every here and there okay.

*Log last updated 11/25/16

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