meeting the hokage

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Izumo pov:

As we walk to the hokage's office I look down at amaya and see her face is completely void of emotion. I also see she has scares all over her body. I wonder what in the world happened to her for her to look like this.

Amay pov:

I feel eyes on me so I look up I see izumo looking at me with pity and curiosity in his eyes. I turn my blank look into a glare at him, because I hate it when people look at me with pity.

We soon arrive at the hokage's office.
Izumo walks up to the hokage's office door and knocks. I hear a older voice say come in. As soon as I enter the office I see and old man with a big guy in a huge black trench coat standing behind the old man. I'm guessing that the old man is the hokage and the trench coat guy is ibiki mori head of the I&T. When the hokage sees me his eyes go wide shock and freezes. After a few minutes off silence the hokage says
Amaya is that you? Is it really you my child? Then when I nodded my head ibiki's eyes go wide and he rushes over to me and hugs me so tight saying his little niece is back home and is alive and safe. As he says this I'm thinking yeah right as if this place was ever my home. If only you knew who I am and what I'm doing here.
But on the outside I just smile and fake tears and hug him back. When we finally let go of each other the hokage orders ibiki to go get kakashi.
Not even 5 mins later I see a poof of smoke not to far from me. And let the games begin.

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