Chapter 1

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My first fanfic for this account!!! ilyy <3

Monday :)



- Cameron-



I run to my older sister's room and stand in her doorway.

"Sophie, look at this!" I shove the magazine I just bought into my sister's face.

"What, are you fangirling again?" she asks, sounding bored.

"Yea, but look! It's me... I think?" I show her the picture of Jon and Bella.

"Wait, nuh uh. You're name isn't Bella, you're not as pretty as Bella, and you're wayyy flatter than Bella!" she says after she skims through the page.

I cross my arms over my chest and my cheeks turn red, "Oh come on, this Bella person and I look exactly alike! How can she be prettier than me?"

"Hmm, you know, she really does look like you," Sophie tilts her head to the right and studies the picture.

"Exactly, that's why I thought that that was me! What am I supposed to do?" I said.

"I don't know. And I don't care. Now, go fangirl somwhere else. I have stuff to do," she starts closing the door.

Ugh, what now? I'll text Catherine.

Me: Can I come over? We need to talk.

Catherine: Yea, what's wrong?

Me: I'll tell you when I get to your house. I'll be there in 15 minutes.

Catherine: K. See you then.

I lock my phone and run downstairs.

"Hey buddy," I ruffle my 4 year old brother's hair.

"Mom? I'm going to Catherine's for a little bit. Errr actually, I might spend the night I don't know yet." I grab an apple from the kitchen counter. I like apples.

"Mmm hmm. Sure, Honey. Call later so I know whether you're spending the night, alright?" she says. She's on the computer and she doesn't even look at me when she speaks.

"Yea, bye Mom" I kiss her cheek, grab my sweatshirt, the magazine, and run out the door.

Hopefully not a lot of people has seen the magazine because then people would really be confused when they saw me.

I can walk to Catherine's. Her house is about two blocks away from mine, and it's right across from Starbucks. Yayy. I'll get something.

I just get a Mocha Cookie Crumble and two cake pops for Catherine. I sit for a little bit as I sip from my cup. I check my instagram, and I see that Jon posted a new picture. Yea, of his girlfriend. I like it anyway, then maybe he'll notice me. After about 5 minutes, I throw away my empty cup, and grab the cake pops.

As soon as I step outside, I hear a shout. Some random people are shouting and yelling at each other, and they're pointing in my direction. What? What did I do?

"Excuse me," I say, pushing past them. They're taking pictures of my, I think I'm going blind. What in the fricking world is going on?!

I'm running now, I don't even know why I'm running so fast. Those people must be suspecting that I'm some kind of criminal because I'm running away from them. I quickly get to Catherine's house, and I run right in. Catherine and I have been friends for the longest time, and out parents are close friends. They let me walk in just like that because we're practically family.

"Catherine!" I yell, "Get your lazy bum down here!"

I hear a door slam, and a lot of footsteps.

"I'm up here!" I hear Catherine.

I race upstairs and into her room. I slam the door shut and hold the cake pops and the magazine against my chest.

"Catherine?" I say after a few seconds, and then I hand her the magazine that's flipped to the right page, "Am I really that flat?"


Haiiii :)

Sorry, I know this is really crappy and blah, but I'm really trying!

I promise that the story is going to get better and better!

If it doesn't, I'll take a video of my apologizing to you in public loll :D

So... maybe 5+ votes until chapter 2? It will get better and better :)

Pleasee make sure you READ, VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW! ilyy :*

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