Chapter 3

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Tuesday :)



- Cameron -



"We're going to the mall." Catherine says as she flicks my cheek to wake me up.

"Oww! Dang you, Cat! Just shake me or something to wake me up! And why are we going to the mall today?" I'm not a morning person, and Catherine has her way of waking people up. It's called violence.. 

"The bet, remember? We need to find you a boyfriend!" Catherine squeals.

"Ugh, you were serious? Fine, it's 8:30 now so give me half an hour and we'll leave at nine, okay?" I get up from the bed and head to the bathroom. One thing you should know, Catherine's house is the biggest, but she still shares a bathroom with her twin brother, Adam. Catherine also has an older brother named Marc, and an older sister named Erica.

I jiggle the handle, it's locked. I groan, and pound on the door. It's rude for a guest to do this, but Adam's like a brother to me, so it's ok.

"Adam, will you open up? I need to pee!" I yell.

"Sorry, Cammie, but I'm peeing first." Adam yells through the door. A minute later, the door opens, and Adam walks out, then purposely closing the door in front of me, "Whoops, sorry Cammie!" he jokes.

Adam is the only person who is allowed to call me "Cammie". No one else is allowed to call me that and probably doesn't want to unless they live right by a hospital. I can tell that Adam only calls me "Cammie" to annoy me, but I don't really mind.

After I get ready and I throw on some jean shorts, a thin sweater, and a beanie, I go downstairs for some breakfast. It's 8:47, so I really need to get going.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask.

"Just grab a bagel because we need to get going. We might be at the mall all day," Catherine replies.

After breakfast, Catherine's mom drives us to the mall. Cat and I head straight for the food courts. Adam decided to come too, so he's meeting his friends Dylan and Colin at the food courts too.

At first there are no boys that are decent looking at least, but then this one guy that has really big brown eyes walk in.

"Ooh! Look, that boy over there is really cute! Ask him out!" Catherine whispers.

"He's cute," I say.

"Yea, he's cute!" she pushes me towards him. I'm walking towards the table he just sat down at.

"Umm, hey. Is anyone sitting here?" I ask shyly. What, I'm a shy person, and I have no idea how to flirt.. so...

He flips his hair and smiles, revealing really white teeth, "Well, actually-"

He's cut off by a gorgeous girl with long black hair and big hazel eyes. She looks like she's half chinese and half american or something, but anyway she's really pretty. She grabs his hand and pulls him away as he sends me a sympathetic smile. It's like he knows that I'm trying to get a boyfriend, and he knows I'm desperate.

Well, this is awkward. I turn around to Catherine, and give her tha panicky eyes. She just shrugs and waves me over. I quickly walk back to her.

"Well, that went exactly as planned!" I hissed at Catherine.

"Sorry! I didn't know that he was taken! How was I supposed to know whether some guy I don't know has a girlfriend or not!" she said back.

"Whatever, I just didn't know that this was going to be that hard," I grumble.

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