Chapter 01

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"AH FUCKING HELL!" The guitarist screamed from the bathroom. He steps out of the shower and onto the floor, then falls to his hands and knees trembling. His eyes are enlarged as the stinging pain on his back grows more bothersome. He watches as droplets of blood begin to puddle underneath him. His breathing becomes labored. He inhales again, only to let out another scream. "PAUL! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE NOW!"

"What is it Richard!?" The smaller man rushes into the bathroom slightly irritated. He and his friend have been fighting constantly, and frankly, he's getting on the older man's nerves. Paul pauses and any sign of color leaves his face as he sees three long scratches on his friend's back. "What the hell did you do?"

Richard looks up at his friend, too scared to be angry. "Do you really fucking think I'd do this to myself!?" He falls onto his face as if something kicks him from behind. He struggles to stand, but an unknown force holds him down. "Don't just stand there, dick! HELP ME!!!" Paul quickly grabs a towel and wraps it around the younger guitarist. He helps him to stand and takes him swiftly down the hall to his bedroom. They sit on the bed and Paul removes the towel, examining the wounds. "I told you I had a bad feeling about this place, but noooo. It was absolutley perfect!"

"What happened, Risch?" The anger and irritation in Paul's voice swiftly dissipates and is replaced just as quickly with concern.

"LIke the hell I know! A lot of wierd shit's been happening to me since we moved here. I don't like it here, Paul. I want to leave."

-~~-Three Months Befor-~~-

"Well, all packed?" Paul bounces happily into Richard's rooms. The excitement on his face cannot be contained.

"Yeah, I guess so." The guitarist straightens up from the final box he was packing.

"Why so grouchy?" The older man pouts his bottom lip as he looks at his spike haired friend.

"I don't feel right about that house, liebe. There's something eerie about it. Something..." He bites his lip as if to contemplate the proper word. "There's something evil inside."

"Oh, you're probably just nervous." Paul walks over and wraps his arms around his love's neck and kisses his cheek. "I'm sure you'll get used to it once we're settled in."

Richard smiles gingerly at him and kisses his lips softly. "You're right. I guess I'm just sad we're leaving this place behind."

"We'll be closer to the guys, though, so look on the bright side." Paul's smile never fades as he gives Richard one last kiss. He parts from his grasp and picks up the final box. "I'll be out in the truck."

"I'll be out in a minute."

"Don't take too long. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can start unpacking." Paul's figure disappears down the stairs.

Richard makes his way to the window and looks outside into the backyard. Memories from years long past flood his mind and he smiles. He looks at the pool and remembers all the games of Marco Polo, of all the volleyball games and just lounging around with the guys. He then looks at the fire pit and remembers all the nights he and Paul would just cuddle by the fire, keeping each other warm, kissing each other... making love to each other. With one last sigh and final thought of good-bye, he makes his way down the stairs and out to the moving truck.


"Risch, are you okay? You look pale..." Paul gently lays his hand on Richard's.

Richard swallows dryly, but looks at his lover with a small smile. "I'm fine. My stomach's just a bit upset is all. Incredibly nervous I suppose."

"Maybe we should pull over and switch. You've been driving all day." Richard nods and signals, pulling onto the shoulder of the highway. He gets out and makes his way to the other side of the truck as Paul slides over. As he climbs back, his face takes on a green tint, causing him to step back out of the truck and empty his stomach contents onto the ground. Paul quickly jumps out and lands next to his lover, gently rubbing his back. "Awe, poor baby..." He looks on with concern as Richard continues to dry heave. He wipes his mouth on his arm and shakes his head. "Better?"

"Worse... But I think I'm done... I don't think there's anything left to come up." He chuckles, but the green tint on his face remains. "Let's just get going again. How far are we now?"

"About 100 kilometers. So not that far. Maybe an hour or so." Paul helps Risch stand and helps him into the truck. "Do you want water, or a bucket?"

"I should be fine. If I do hurl again, I give you permission to punish me when I'm better." He gives the shorter man a slight wink, causing him to blush.

"Oh? Well be careful then, because I've been learning how to tie very tight knots." Paul grins broadly and closes the door, quickly making his way to the driver side. As he climbs in, he looks to Richard and smiles to see him fast asleep already. The rest of the ride goes in in silence.

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