Chapter 03

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Outside, the sun rises slowly, setting the morning sky ablaze with hues of orange and red. The stars fade away, only leaving behind the slightest hint of night. Birds chirp loudly and gleefully as they search for insects and worms to eat. Stray rays of light enter through a window into a kitchen where two men sit. One is wrapped in a blanket, shaking ever so slightly as his trembling hands lift a cup of coffee to his lips. The other man sits beside him and rubs his back, also drinking coffee. Richard raises the cup and goes to take a sip, hesitates, then sets it down. He leans over slightly and rests his head on Paul's shoulder. "It was only a nightmare." His lover coos in a soft voice.

"No. It wasn't. It wasn't at all. Whatever that thing was I saw, it's evil and it threatened me, Paul." He straightens up and looks deep into the older man's eyes. "I've had my fair share of fucked up dreams, but never have I been threatened in one. Seriously, Paul. Let's leave."

"Maybe if we just ignore it, it'll go away."

In a way, Richard feels a relief wash over him at those words. Paul was beginning to understand him. "Maybe. I guess we could try. What's there to lose, right?" Suddenly, a loud bang from upstairs makes the two men jolt. "What the hell was that!?"

"It sounded like it came from our bedroom." Paul jumps up and makes his way to the stairs, Richard following. They begin to ascend cautiously. "Whoa, watch out!" Paul steps down a step as a picture frame flies from their bedroom and shatters against the wall at the opposite end of the hallway. "-the fuck?" They both look into their room, and everything seems untouched.

"I guess it was our imagination." Richard states as flatly as he can.

"Yeah. Our imagination." Paul backs out of the room and returns back downstairs. "I'll get a dust pan to clean up the picture frame."

"Paul, there's no need." Richard calls down to him. "It's already fixed."

-~~-One Month Later-~~-

Since that night, things have calmed down considerably in the house. Richard and Paul even began to forget about the presence in their new home. Everything is finally unpacked, and they've settled in quite nicely.

The smell of barbeque fills the air. A tall man with broad shoulders stands at the grill. His long hair is pulled back into a tie. "Richard! Could you bring me a plate for the burgers, bitte?"

"Of course, Till." The guitarist calls cheerfully from inside. He comes out and gives his friend the plate. He then settles on a chair beside a bald man sporting a goatee. "It's noce being closer to you guys."

"It is nice seeing you more often now." The man replies. "How are you guys settling in?"

"Pretty well, Olli, thanks for asking." Richard smiles softly at him, totally unaware of the dark shadow staring at his friends from his and Paul's bedroom upstairs.

"Risch, could you come in here, please?" The shorter guitarist calls from the door to the kitchen. Richard escuses himself and makes his way into the house. Paul closes the door, hardly any color in his face.

"What happened?" His hands clamp onto his lover's cheeks and he begins to stroke him lovingly. "What happened, baby? Speak to me."

"I-I... Send the guys home, bitte. I don't feel good."

"Of course, liebe." Gingerly, Richard kisses Paul's forehead and goes outside. "I hate to say this guys, but we'll have to do this another day. Paul just got really ill all of a sudden." Shyly, Risch rubs his arm. "Sorry you came out for nothing. You can throw some burgers together since the meat is already cooked, take those with you. I don't want to risk you guys getting sick, either."

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